The Warmonger Comes

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( Kouh Academy, 3 days skip)

Everyone could feel it in the air. Both supernatural and normal students, as the charming second year student, Kiba, hadn't been anywhere to be found in the last two days. This part only went for the normal students, but the supernatural ones knew better. Thanks to Issei and Irina's house guest, they had nightly reports of his well being.

And today was another Kibaless day for the Orc, with Issei giving another report of what Xenovia had seen from last night's investigation into Kouh for the whereabouts of the missing Excalibur pieces."- And that's it, Xenovia saw him over by the old church, probably looking for that Freed guy." Issei finished, seeing the clear worry in Rias's eyes, even as she tried to hide it for the sake of the others.

She seemed to look at Issei, trying to prop his face for any information other than just that, sighing heavily as she gleamed he knew no more than she." I see... " Her sight was locked out of the window, almost as if she did, then Kiba would suddenly appear in her line of sight." Thank the nun for her report.." She spoke with gratitude, yet it was only to mask her worry.

Issei nodded once, not that Rias noticed or even seemed to care, so he went and sat down with Irina on the couch furthest from the windows. The couple, along with Asia who sat next to Irina, could all clearly see how much this concerned Rias, that she barely seemed interested in anything but news of Kiba.

But it left them all wondering.' Why is Kiba willing to go this far, as to worry Rias, just because of some sword pieces?' The excalibur is dangerous, mainly to the devils, but it was in pieces and hardly any real threat with Issei around. So why was Kiba so single minded and sturben about hunting it and those who had it.

Peace and quiet seemed to fill the group, as none spoke or did much besides worry about Rias. But mostly Kiba. The peace was broken only, as Issei seemed to hear someone limping towards the room, dragging something or someone along with them. It didn't take long before he and the others also heard the familiar voice of Xenovia, shouting at them outside the door.

"Help! Kiba's hurt!" Without a second of hesitation, both Issei and Rias jumped out of their seats and towards the door. The pair nearly ripped the door open, before running towards the bloody and bruised body of Kiba, as Xenovia carried his unconscious body." Kiba! What happened?" Rias yelled, as she stood frozen in the door, worried even more out of her mind.

Issei went up to his left side, and put his left arm over his shoulder, his right arm under his side and took over for Xenovia, who he now notices was also hurt badly." We.. He was attacked and used.. as bait for you guys.. They didn't know that it was me.. that the church sent, so I got lucky and escaped.. barely.." She limped her way over to the wall, supporting herself on it, as she began to catch her breath.

Kiba was put on the opposite couch and Asia put to work, and began healing him. Xenovia was still limping her way into the room, smirking as Issei tried to help her inside." I'm.. I'm not that weak, Greek.." She refused his help, with him rolling his eyes at her." I see you're well enough to joke. But are you well enough to tell who did this?"

Her face turned grim as he asked." It was a leader, just as I was informed.. it's Kokabrial, the warmonger.." The name was spat out harshly, as it sent shivers down the two of them, none of the others had heard them, thankfully. Issei's face seemed to blacken as his blood boiled from the name alone, before it returned to normal and he instead gained a similar grim look in his eyes.

" Kokabrial.. well shit.. this got really fucking bad, didn't it?" He asked, a small amount of humor mixed into his voice, as he tried to ignore how dangerous this situation now was. Xenovia simply nodded in response, too tired and overwhelmed by the discovery as well.

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