Irine! Ready for Duty!

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(Kouh Academy)

" Are you guys ready to head home?" Xenovia asked, as she met up with Irina and Issei. The two nodded and went along with her, the pair lacking a bit behind her, neither wanting to ruin the good mood she was in. She had scored the highest points in her class, since she had also been transferred to the school as of last monday.

Some small talk went back and forth between the pair, mainly about this sudden change to their school day, of how Xenovia was doing and if she was getting settled in her class. Plus how Issei was suddenly made into a teacher for most of the day.

The two didn't really believe Athena had just sent him a letter preparing him for today, but when he showed them it and they saw the old ass papyrus and gold colored ink, the pair believed it." She writes with gold ink? Why? Isn't that super expensive, not to mention wasteful?" Xenovia had experience writing old school handwriting letters, papers and even a book.

She knew it was not easy, since each word had to be correct, and she could not let a single grammar or missing word appear, lest she had to restart from scratch." Well she is the goddess of crafts, mainely pottery, weaving and arts, so she makes most of her own materials from scratch or with magic." Issei explained.

And with that, more chit chatting and less important things began to pop in and out of their mouths. Until another subject, that Irina had totally forgotten about, came out of Xenovia's mouth." Irina I heard you get to do devil's work from today onwards, isn't that right?" Irina jolted backwards, taking a few steps up and down, feeling a bit embarrassed about forgetting something she had looked forward to.

She felt even more so when what was probably just a friendly expression on face, made him roll his eyes with a laid back smile, made her feel that she again had disappointed him.", I.. I better get going then. See you later guys." She rushed off, spread her wings and flew hastily into the air back towards school.

" Did she seem okay to you?" Xenovia asked, as the pair continued on. He just shrugged." I'm not quite sure, she's been a bit on edge lately. I think it's just performance anxiety or a slight variation of that." Xenovia looked back towards the slowly shrinking silhouette of her friend, watching her now and thinking back to earlier, made a small creak of worry sink into her.

" I hope so."

( With Irina)

She jumped, sprouted her wings and let her be carried by the wind into the air. Casting just a bit of magic to keep humans below from seeing her, plus to make sure no one saw her panties. But those fears weren't worth much when her mind kept spinning about the events of last night and the girl she met outside of school.

The first one, only she had seemed to have experienced, as neither Issei nor had Ddriag any idea of what she had said, but at least Ddraig felt like he believed her a bit more. But the girl, her rival of destiny, had been real enough and had brought with her something Irina's mind could not quite figure out. This girl, Vali, had told her boyfriend-' Do not let her words trick you, Irina.'

Ddraig stopped her as her thoughts spun around this one thought, yet ended as he interrupted this dangerous idea.' She is your rival. Most likely, she said this to make you distrust him, so that she can weaken your relationships.' His warning, as always, carried guidance and insight into the tricky of life long rivalries.

" I know, but it's.. it's just too horrible for me to keep thinking about it." She flew on, reaching the old school building. She lights lit inside, with a few shadowy figures moving around, likely Rias and Akeno.' I know that, Irina. But to believe the enemy, without serious thought put into their words first, is the same as thinking your allies wish to kill you, just because of a joke they made.'

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