First Meeting

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( Kouh Academy)

The sun had begun to set on the school, slowly its light retreated behind the far away horizon. All the students had left by now, only a few teachers still stood around, getting ready to leave as well. And as they left as well, two people stepped through the still open gates, with the last rays of the sun behind them.

It was Issei and Xenovia, having arrived a bit later than planned, yet they had finally made it and were now waiting for an escort from either Sona or Rias." Do we really need an escort? Aren't you good enough as is?" Xenovia questioned, as she leaned against her old leather bag. Issei just shrugged his shoulders." It might just be a devil thing."

" Seems a bit counter productive to me, to send someone and not have them be the sole escort. But like you said, it's probably just a devil thing." The two ended their small talk, waiting a bit longer before the sound of footsteps coming their way, made them get ready. Out of the shadows of the school building, came two familiar faces.

Irina and Koneko, neither seemed very happy with Issei standing so close to Xenovia, this holy woman of God. Issei and Xenovia both noticed the clear dislike to them standing as close as they did, they felt that worried about it, since it was just within arms reach. Standard distance for them." Hey you two, so Rias sent you..." Behind the two came another one, again fitted with an angry expression plastered all over his face.

" And Kiba too.." He said, with the two girls nodding a bit forced, as the three kept their eyes fully and observantly on Xenovia, almost like if they just looked away a single moment, then she would cut them in half in a heartbeat. But Issei saw it only moments after, that it wasn't her, but the sword still wrapped in cloth on her back, that they were really looking at.

" Rias-sama and Sona-sama wish to meet with you in the Student Council room. Please come with us." Irina instructed the pair, as she and the two others stepped aside for the two to walk inside. They gave each other a quick glance, before Xenovia walked ahead, leaving Issei to carry her bag.

Kiba walked in front, followed by Xenovia right behind, with Koneko on her left. Issei and Irina walked together behind Xenovia, on her right side, with Issei trying to get some idea of why this whole thing felt so serious. Like someone had just died, or that he had brought the person that had done it." Sorry for the awkward greetings, but you know.. Rias-sama's orders." Irina whispered discreetly, as the pair kept a bit closer to each other.

" It's okay, I wasn't totally unprepared for this." Issei answered back, as he watched the three others in front, wondering how Xenovia was dealing with this and why Rias would send Kiba to get them. He was obviously rather emotional at the moment, and in a very dangerous way, especially for a diplomatic situation like this." I am just worried that Kiba might spring some trouble on the upcoming conversation." Issei, warned.

Irina seemed to agree, yet kept quiet for the rest of the trip up to the student council room. Kiba knocked, with quite a bit of force more than needed, before opening the door as Sona's pawn, Saji, opened the door and allowed a view inside. All of the servants of both heiresses stood in a defensive position, lined and ready to defend their masters.

Even Issei was struggling to believe that he only had about 16 ways to beat them at the moment. It was a bit shocking that it wasn't the normal 23. Koneko and Kiba stood them by the left side of the door, while Irina stationed herself right by Akeno, an obvious play move. Placing the strongest people together might seem dumb to most, but when it comes to the supernatural, it was quite an effective card to play.

It showed who's the strongest, and how many they were. Issei wondered briefly if he had to stand somewhere too, but the mood in the room made him feel that he had to stand by Xenovia, not as first to stop her, but as an ally. The pair sat down one of the two couches, as the two heiresses sat down across from them, with their queens and key servants standing by them behind the couch's back.

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