Domain of Riddles

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(Underworld, Ancient Wasteland)

Miles upon miles of endless rocky and sandy wasteland. The underworld had many types of landscapes, but the biggest and most uncontrollable was the wasteland, which encircled the greener lands where most underworld factions had settled. Only ancient beings, demons, monsters, a few evil dragons and the most unlucky human in history wandered these sands.

But this place wasn't exactly uncontrollable, it was just not seen as worth trying to control by outside forces. Only the beings in it could rule it and all who lived in it, as the rules of nature require, they had a hierarchy. And surprisingly, the evil dragons were near the bottom of it, as demons, monsters and the only remaining ancient being were stronger than all the evil dragons. Said ancient being, had made himself a nice home in the deepest hole of this wasteland.

He even named it after himself, as a vain way to spend his endless amounts of time. Tartarus, the prison of the most evil beings in existence and where he keeps an eye on all of life, as he finds new prisoners and digs out their cell. He had many famous prisoners. There were his nephews and nieces, the titans, namely Kronus. Lilith, before she got pardoned by Micheal, sat in a cage above his throne, forced to sing day and night.

A lot of human dictators were put into many cells as well, some had even been made for future ones. But one cell had been left empty for as long as devils have existed. Lucifer, the first devil, had been given a cell and when God had kicked him and his comrades out of heaven, the plan had been for him to land in his cell. But the Devil managed to avoid it and instead, broke through the bottom of the so-called "Endless Pit", and broke into an entirely different realm beneath it. Purgatory.

Here Tartarus would sit, and watch as the possible worst prison to end up in, would rumble, burn and torture only his most diabolical prisoners. The souls were what he kept imprisoned, not the body, only the ego or what was left of it. So while they retained a ghostly form of their original self, the real body was rotting away somewhere else in the over world. He could inflict endless amounts of pain onto ghostly bodies, to entertain himself and dish out a form of divine punishment.

Lucifer isn't the one who punishes souls for all eternity if they sinned, it's beings like Tartarus, Hades and other gods like them, he just made up a rumor that he did to earn himself a bit of pity from God. So right below the only exit and entrance to purgatory, sat Tartarus on his obsidian throne, carved out from a massive pillar of bedrock holding up the roof of this realm.

Thousands of screams sang to his amusement, as he drank his last glass of orange wine, the last batch in all of existence. Down here his body was much more uniformed and almost human, dragon, goat or whatever he felt like being. The further away from his prison, the more chimarian he became. He wore a charcoal black rob, leaving his feet, lower arms and head exposed. He once had light brown skin, but all the ash, dust and blood had made it dark gray. He was bald, with a whittered crown of laurels.

If you couldn't detect magic, life or aura, he would look more like a statue made of slate. Yet even a being like him, could not avoid the occasional visit, no matter how much he wished he could. Primordial Gods are left to themselves for how powerful and volatile they are and can be, but even they couldn't ignore universal laws. Like greeting your gusset." Cerberus, my first grandson, what do I owe this unprompted visit?" His voice shook the entire realm, as it echoed from each corner of it.

On his right, Cerberus, a lightly tanned man wearing a navy blue suit and pants stepped forward, bowing his head politely." Greetings to you, Lord Grandfather." He bowed again, before stepping over to his right side." You owe it nothing, but do see it as a grandchilds simply wish to visit and ask of you a small request." The old god attempted to make eye contact, but Cerberus shifted away, fearful of the madness inducing effect of his eyes."Coward." Tartarus spoke, letting go of his glass, before sitting up straight in his throne." I make no deals with such people, you know this, mutt." A low snarl left Cerberus' mouth.

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