Winds of change Part 3

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Sup.. don't know what else to say. Enjoy this chapter!

(Kouh Academy, Entrance)

The fighting kept going, even as Azazel began to fall behind and Katera inflicted more damage with each strike. But the leaders' fighting had little effect on the fighting below, which was going swimmingly for the devils, as barely a single mage remained. Enough for the leaders to try and unfreeze the remaining frozen people. Sirzechs and Micheal kept the barrier up, while Serafall tried to figure out how to fix them, with Dulio giving less than stellar suggestions.

" Maybe try hellfire?"," Why? How would that help?" Serafall asked, as she scanned most parts of Sona that she could, this was, despite the small-scale war outside, a dream come true for her. Sona was within touchable reach and didn't stop her or tried to run away." They're frozen, so hell fire will unfreeze them." Dulio joked. Micheal began to pray silently, as his Joker and jokester of a servant, Dulio had been let loose.' Save the devils from his horrid jokes, father.'

" Don't you have a sacred gear with ice magic? Can't you try using that, and if that doesn't work, then zip it." Serafall said, before attempting a simple dispelling spell on Sona, which had little effect. It unfroze her enough to let her move an inch, but the hazy purple magic on her was still sitting firmly on."Damn it."

She put both of her hands on Sona's head, and began casting a stronger dispelling spell. A massive explosion shook the ground, and covered the sky with dust. The shaking made little impact on the inside of the barrier, but it had Dulip go into high alert. He was tipping the edge of the barrier, wanting to return out there and help, but Micheal's hand grasping his shoulder made him stand down.

" You won't be able to help them, as long as this spell keeps sapping you of magic. Rest and await the success of Rias Gremory and the Red Dragon Empress." Dulio nodded. He had an uncomfortable expression on his face, as he watched the sparks and magical lights through the dust. He had fought many times, and was at a time titled as one of the strongest humans, yet here he stood and could do little to nothing, but wait.

He stepped over to the frozen bodies, and found one he had barely registered was someone he knew. A tall man, covered in greek battle armor, only missing a helmet, wielding a spear, with a snake's tooth as the blade."By God.. Issei, were you here?" He asked himself, as he came closer to inspect, and found himself having trouble finding joy at seeing his old friend. He shouldn't be happy, not right now, they were fighting and trying the spell.' I am happy, I just can't feel it. Later..' He reasoned.

The look in Issei's eyes was captured just perfectly at the moment he and the others were frozen. Dulio wouldn't lie, mainly as it's a sin and had much bigger consequences for him now, but also for how plain it was for him and possibly the others to see."What wicked eyes you have, Issei." Slitted black pupils, kept a dead stare out into the air, like he could see something they couldn't. He reminded him of the first time they met. His invisible aura seeped from him, like a strong gust of wind, building its strength for one great push.

But it was his mouth, how the edges of it were opening enough to show his teeth. Not human teeth, but lion teeth.

Dulio took a step back, by instinct, he felt fearful of this sight of him.

(With Rias and Irina)

" We won't kill you Gasper. Just calm down, we'll figure this out." Rias said, smiling reassuringly at him, before turning back to Irina, with a less sure expression."We have too." She whispered to her, as she gestured to Irina to follow her a bit away from the other two. They made a half circle by the door. Rias began to think over possible solutions.

Her eyes darted around like she was working on invisible blackboards, but kept failing to come up with a plan that could work. Irina, meanwhile, spoke with Ddraig as the old dragon always seemed to have an idea or suggestion in times like these.'You got any ideas? Like a spell, special move or some ability?','I have two, but I will say that both are rather risky.' He answered.

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