Chapter 9: A Goddess Twisted game, part 2

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( Divine Realm, Mt. Olympus)

Inside a small and old or rather ancient marble built room, on small wooden benches that were stood up against the walls leading towards the exit, sat Rias and her entire peerage waiting patiently. They had been sent here by Sirzechs an hour ago, while he and some other high ranking devils had gone off to somewhere else. Rias and her peerage were rather confused as to why they had to be here, wondering what they could have done or had done to make them be here.

" Um.. Rias, did your brother say anything about this? Like why are we here or where are we?" Akeno asked, as she scooted a bit over to her red haired friend's side, as she didn't want to sit too close to the exit as she could hear the faint sound of people, a lot of people yelling and cheering. Rias shrugged her shoulders, showing she didn't any more than they did, but she did at least have an idea that might be the reason for this, but she wasn't totally sure yet, so she kept it to herself for now.

" I don't know Akeno, but I am guessing Issei might have something to do with it, or maybe.." She took a quick side glance to her newly acquired knightess, Irina, who was busy talking with Ddraig in her mind. Rias looked at her for a brief second or two more, before returning her gaze back to Akeno." But I can't know for sure yet, so let's just wait and see, I doubt it's anything too serious-" As those words left her mouth, the entire room was suddenly alerted to the sounds coming from behind the door.

Many footsteps were rushing past the doors, as the sounds of people yelling could be heard, all calling out for others to join them. They sounded happy, like something they had all been waiting for was finally happening." Well they seem excited. Makes you wonder what for." Irina said, as she looked at the door with a small smile. Kiba and Asia agreed with her, with small smiles of their own, while Rias and Akeno thought about it a bit more. 'What they could be so happy about, that is.' They both wondered.

More footsteps passed by outside and with it came more cheering, with something that sounded like a loudspeaker, with someone speaking from it. It made the group question what this whole thing really was. The obvious answer was that this was something Issei or Sirzechs had arranged, so they could fight on a big scene in front of one of the strongest factions in the supernatural world. Or this was something else, that also included fighting, since as far as all of them knew, Greeks only really liked fighting and Philosophy.

Suddenly, a blue flat square appeared on the back side wall, showing them a live feed from what they would all assumed to be the arena that was currently being filled with tons of spectators. They could see everything from one side of the arena, with a clear view over the entire fighting area, then to the spectators' seats and what they could only imagine to be the vip's. 12 massvies chairs were all lined up in row, with three distinctive beings sitting in the middle.

" Ladies and gentleman! Greeks and Devils! We of Olympis welcome you all humbly, to our arena of the 12 Olympian Gods! For tonight only, this mythical birthing place of heroes shall be used once more! For tonight, new legends shall enter this arena, but only one group of legends will win!" A young man shouted, through his loudspeaker. The crowd erupted into cheering, as they all couldn't wait any longer for this battle, since it had been years since the last time they got to see a good fight.

" From the Eastern gate, we have the second oldest son, of the devil factions, Phenex clan, Riser Phenex and his peerage!" The man introduced Riser and his peerage, some clapped and others cheered as they walked into the arena, ready to fight. But Rias and her group were less than happy with their presence, mainly Rias, as she hated how confident he looked or how wide his smug smile was." Don't worry, we won't lose Rias-sama." Irina said, as she clutched her hand tightly around her sword handle.

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