Defeat and Victory

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( Olympus, Arena)

As Irina's blade rose up and aimed at him, Issei simply felt numb at the sight of his love, now wanting to fight him like he wasn't her old friend. Her draconic armor, her power and everything else that flared and covered her, meant nothing to him, as he could only see her underneath all of it.

" Issei-" She began, he felt her voice not caring for his name, like it meant nothing to her." Face me-" He saw her determination under the slits of her helmet. Even with the look of a determined fighter, ready to fight him, he could not help but wish for their childhood back, where everything was so much simpler.

" One on one!" She finished, holding her sword tightly in her hands, now awaiting his answer. He felt the burning of his body insides, his muscles had barely calmed down after the shock he had felt after Koneko hit him in his old wound. His veins still stung him along his arms, and his old scar felt especially hurt under his armor.

Still he gritted his teeth, before scowling in pain at her." Fine, let's begin this.." He said, before marching forward again, yet it slowly turned into a light jug. Irina did the same, but her speed suddenly sped up and she was suddenly up in his face, reading her sword to slash him.

He felt the force of the slash, as he dodged out of the way, then sent his right fist at her side. He felt the steel make contact with his fist, but only as he graced it, as Irina spun around his arm to hit him from behind with her sword.

He felt the sudden and throbbing pain as his back wailed from the strong impact, making him stagger forward, almost falling over. But he managed to stop his fall, by stomping the ground with right leg, making Rias, Akeno and Asia jump a few feet into the air, before landing on the ground again.

He swung his left leg at Irina, but missed her, with her trying to hit his right leg. He blocked her sword, by using the golden ring on his leg, making it slam into the ground instead. As Irina tried to take her sword out, Issei threw his left and right fist at her stomach, indenting her armor and making her feel breathless.

The taste of watery iron filled her mouth, yet luckily she didn't spit any out, at least not until she was hit a second time in her stomach with Issei's left knee. She cried out in pain, and with it came her blood spewing out of her helmet's mouth holes." Give up, Irina.. please." Issei asked, as he stepped away from her as she struggled to stand.

Irina managed to jank out her sword, before using it to support herself, as the armor slowly repaired itself. She felt the blood on her face, still some lingering inside of her mouth. She clenched her fist tightly, then spat out the remaining blood and got her weapon ready again.

" I won't lose. I have to win, to repay Rias for saving me." She said, her voice seemed to strain itself as she tried to keep the pain from overpowering her. She leaped at him, making an overhead swing, which Issei blocked with his two golden rings on his arms.

She landed, still using all her strength to try and slice him, as she and him held a direct line of eye contact. She didn't see his skin turning black, like charcoal. But felt his breathing be replaced with fire, then as his eyes turned as orange of melting iron." I see.. then you have forced my hand, Irina."

His words seemed sad to her ears, with what looked like a small tear leaving his eye, though it turned to steam as soon as he let it go. She felt her sword beginning to be pushed slowly away, before it almost made her fall on her back, as Issei pushed off her so forcefully.

She managed to stop herself from falling on her butt, as she looked up she could swear her eyes seemed to flicker, as the sight before her changed for a small second. A giant demon covered in coppery green armor, with green flames underneath it and ghost's at its side.

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