Goddess's Twisted Game

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( 4 Days later, Gremory Holiday Home)

" Come on, you can do better-! Again from behind, you little brat?- Don't think I can't see you, raven!- That nothing! Are you trying to heal his body or his ego?" Issei yelled out, as he kept fighting all five of the peerage members, criticizing them all for the smallest mistake while barely focusing on one single opponent. This was his way of teaching, since he had to go through this as well by the hands of his older siblings, both of those of god status and those of demi-god status. So this was nothing in his opinion, but then again it was his opinion and at least he knew that, so he had to hold back a lot, only powering up more so as to not take too much damage from Rias's and Akeno's attacks. But even then, he only had to do that when they attacked after sometimes minutes long charge up attacks.

But he did notice that they had gotten quicker, and didn't have as much time as before to fire off these kinds of attacks, but for the three others it hadn't gone as well. He couldn't feel their strength improving much, if at all. Their hits, attacks, speed and reflexes seemed to stay the same no matter what. And Asia's attempts to support them didn't do much, only making their small strength amount to that of a medium rank devil, which was subpar for what he felt they needed for them to win. He could, though say, that their techniques and cooperation had improved significantly, until they again seemed to get complacent with it.

This constant complacent with slight improvement was starting to get on his nerves, since it felt like they just stopped trying new styles as soon as they found one that had worked on him once. But unknowingly, that had been their plan and they had all just waited for him to get into this less focused state of his, where he just blocks, dodges and bashes them back in a mindless daze like state. Akeno and Rias both fired off two fully charged shots of their own respective magics, knowing he would power up so he could take their attack head on, but that was his mistake. The attacks flew right past him and up into the sky, confusing him as he looked after them, wondering what was up with this sudden blunder.' Maybe they need a break? We have been fighting for the last 4 hours none-' Koneko connected her first full power hit straight to his chin, pushing him off balance and almost falling over.

He looked over at her, surprised he didn't see her coming, but before he could get back on his feet, he felt a shallow, but long cut go across his exposed back as Kiba cut him for the first with his normal metal sword.' What the hell? Where did he... Asia must have hidden his pressen-'( Boom!) He got hit right on his head with the two magical attacks Akeno and Rias had sent flying up into the sky, as a sign to the others to begin their surprise attack. Which had worked much better then any of them could have suspected. And even better was the small, yet pleasantly surprised coughs coming from Issei, as he lay on his bleeding back in the crater the two powerhouse of their peerage had made for him." What... the hell.. just happened?" He asked, sounding surprised, yet also slightly proud of them, making the entire peerage smile even more as they managed to put a demi-god on his back.

" We won against you, by playing to your one flaw. The flaw of not seeing us as a real threat." Rias explained, as she landed next to the crater he had lay in, looking at him with a victorious smile. She reached down with her hands, to which Issei grabbed onto her hands, as he too smiled happily for their progress and this little, but major step towards them winning the rating game." Oh, so you acted like you all had stopped trying to improve, so you could fool me to think that, so when I least expect it, you could attack me all out. Smart." Issei complimented, as he stood up again and brushed off the dirt from his back clothes, before feeling a slight sting from his newly acquired wound. The others noticed, with Kiba feeling a bit bad for having acutely hurt Issei. Luckily Asia rushed over to him and got ready to heal his wound, got ready with her sacred gear to heal him, but was stopped by Issei lightning pushing her away.

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