Before A

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Sorry it took this long for an update to this story, but had too much fun thinking about it's plot, then writting it. Sorry, hope you all enjoy. Bye!

( Kouh Acadamy, lunch break)

' Why am I here?' Issei asked himself tiredly, before yawning rather loudly, while keeping his arm in a crossed position. He stood off to the side in the Orc room, watching as Rias frantically walked from one side of the room to the other, while Akeno, Tsubaka and Sona all watched her from behind her desk. The rest of the peerage were all absent, mostly because today was Friday, which apparently was a free day, something Issei kind of wanted right now. He had stood in here for the last three minutes, while watching one of his contractors just walking, which was beginning to get boring to watch.

" Can I leave now-"," Shut it!" Rias yelled, not even looking at him, as she continued walking. Issei just looked shocked for a bit, before trying to look for answers by looking at the trio of beauties, asking a slightly differently wordless question.' What's wrong with Rias today?' Sona seemed to understand his question, but instead of answering, she just raised her hand and pointed her finger left from her middle one up. Issei just became more confused for a moment, before getting an idea of what she was trying to tell him.' I have to wait for a bit? Wait for what?' Issei wondered, as he looked back at Rias, who had finally stopped walking.

She was standing still near the window closets to the main door, watching the outside and the students out there, eating and having fun. He could see her right hand shaking slightly, as she seemed to tighten her hand into a ball, making her perfectly pale skin turn into a not normal white. She was clearly angry about something, but what that could be, he didn't have a single clue to. At least he wouldn't, if not for the talk he and Sona had the other day, which had led to a slight change in their contract, but he didn't feel like enabling it yet. This Riser Phenex guy that she mentioned yesterday, Rias's fiance and a bit of pig, which Issei still didn't fully get how a devil could be a pig, but he didn't question it.

From Issei's point of view, a womanizer was just a normal thing and if anything, was someone to celebrate for how much charm they had. Luckily most people, outside of his family, don't know this and would probably like to keep it that way. Having Zeus as your dad does things to you. Issei kept watching Rias silently, as he kept wondering about what he had to wait for and if that thing was the reason why Rias seemed so angry, and why that thing did so. Thankfully time flies by faster then one would expect, as suddenly two different sources of magic began to gather in the room.

Two different colored circles appeared near the main door. One was a silver colored one, with an old looking emblem as its magical base. It gave him the feeling of ice, danger and single-handed dominance. The other one was fiery orange, with the design of a flying bird with fire in its wings, an obvious link to the legendary Phoenix. He could feel multiple people coming out of it, with one reminding him a bit of an actual Phoenix, while having this weird and gross vibe to them. He felt a slight jolt go through him, as a lot of people suddenly appeared from the orange one, and a single maid appeared from the silver one.

He could count fifteen women, not including the maid, all surrounding one single man, who not only gave him that weird gros vibe from earlier, but also completely ignored him. His followers did so as well, all of them being too busy showing off how much charm their master seemed to have, unlike the silver haired maid who noticed him. She bowed respectfully, and quickly, before turning towards Rias and walking over to her side. The blonde haired man spread out of his arms, before letting out the most annoying voice and way of speaking Issei had ever heard." Rias, my beloved bride-to-be! Riser has missed you, your beauty and your elegance!"

Issei felt a sudden urge to just punch him, but decided to just watch for now and step in if needed, though he doubted he would need to with that maid here. He might have felt from just a teleportation circle, but he could just tell from that alone she was strong, and seeing her now made him even more sure of that." I don't want to marry you, you ass hat!" Rias answered back, once again surprising Issei with how angry she was being, but it did also let it click for him that she hated this Riser fellow. Issei couldn't really understand it, besides his way of speaking and that gross vibe he just gave him, but other than that he couldn't see a real reason to hate him.

Issei Demigod of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now