The Changelle of a Life Time

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( Olympus, Nyx's viewing room)

A small, weak jet of blood shot out of Issei's chest. He looked at Nyx, then the hole in his chest and only a few seconds after, before he even spoke a single word, he realized he hadn't felt a single shred of pain. And as he noticed his lack of pain, he saw Nyx have a deeply embarrassed face, with a deep red blush and everything.

She yanked her blood stained finger out of his chest, as she clasped her cheeks and began to walk in circles as she mumbled something under her breath. He couldn't get up still, as if she had forgotten to undone her magic or whatever." Um... what is happening, right now?" Issei asked, a bit confused as he felt like something didn't fully add up.

Like being told he was a child of Kronus was pretty unexpected and a bit shocking, but with how she was acting now, it seemed like she had done something wrong. Besides her wounding him, possibly breaking his ribcage and saying his dad was someone who was long dead, he didn't know what else she could have possibly done wrong. Not that those things alone were already bad enough.

Nyx stopped her little panic parade and looked back down at him, as she watched him for a brief few seconds, then tried to composure herself." I failed.. at the one singular thing I had to do... By my father, if my children saw me acting like this. The next family get together would be a disaster.." The goddess stared out into the air blankly, as the nightmares horror of her and all of her kids, and there were a lot of them, having a family get together and them all having seen her blunder this much.

Issei just raised one of his eyebrows, as he didn't really understand what was so bad about, since his family normally made fun of his fuck ups, so what could be so bad about letting nearly a hundred or maybe thousand if one includes all the mortal ones on top of that, see her do a fuck up like this, unless?" Did you call me Kronus's kid by accident and meant to call me.. someone else's?" Issei asked, hoping his deduction was correct.

Which it seemed to be, as the goddess whimperley nodded her head in agreement." Yeah, your Typhaon's kid."

( ORC Waiting Room)

The entire peerage sat in a quiet peace, with a small and slowly growing fear brewing in the back of their minds, as they waited for the announcer to start the next fight. The fight where they would have to fight Issei, someone who they had complicated feelings for. They were friends, yet also they had a bit of hatred between the two parties.

Most of said hate came from constant and most definitely planned situations that Issei hadn't been told about beforehand, for now rather obvious reasons. He had a temper unlike most, and along with raw and destructive power, making any who would be stupid enough to defy him in any way, unlikely to ever anger him ever again.

The first nail in their shared coffin, had been taking and making Irina into a devil without his knowledge, this was the reason behind most of his rage towards them. And most recently, his and Irina's misunderstanding between each other, right before Issei had been picked up by Hermes. So to say their current relationship was shaky and uncertain was a good way to put it.

Sirzechs had left to talk with the gods, leaving the group alone to sit in this eerie quiet. At least, until Rias stood up and got the attention of everyone, as she walked over to inspect the footage of the last fight. "We can beat him." Her words may have been few, and maybe even a bit too quiet, but still they all felt what she had meant."Are you serious, Rias-sama?" Kiba asked.

He stood up, as hope started appearing in his and the others' eyes." Yes, if you look closely here at this one second of video." She stood a bit to the side, then pointed to the scene she spoke of. They all looked closely at it and saw some black lines that slowly appeared along his arms, then disappeared a second later." It might just be a hunch, but it seems Issei can't use this power for that long, at least not without any backlash." Rias explained.

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