The makings of a Demigod

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So I don't know if I will continue this story, just kept having it in my mind this whole mornin so I thought why not and just decied to write. Hope you all enjoy it, I might continue working on it if so.

( Human world, Greece)

It was an early morning in the human world, or more specifically Greece, when many golden lights from the heavens descended down onto earth, with the sun light behind them, almost covering them, allowing them to land without being noticed. They each landed in a different place around the town they had all agreed to visit, or rather that a few of them had demanded they all visit so as to show them what they had done.

As each of the lights landed they soon after faded, revealing people, old ones, young ones and a few even had animals inside of them. Though in one of the lights, the most brilliantly shining one, there wasn't one, but two beings. One was a handsome swan, unmatched in his physical beauty and perfectly colored feathers, while the other was an old lady, carrying the beauty of an animal with a less than stellar expression on her face.

The two, like the many others from their landing spot, began to walk down from the rocky hills surrounding the now ruined city of Athens. The sunlight hit the many ruins, and toppled over buildings almost poetically, as each one of these beings felt either shame, guilt or frustration over their collective actions for making this happen. But mostly were these emotions evident on the faces of the couple of the old lady and her handsome swan, as neither dared look at the many crushed bodies, nor wanted to listen to the still few lingering cries of help and sorrow that could be heard beneath the rubble.

" Why do we do these things, Zeus.. don't you see how much this ruins our people?" The old lady asked, after having sat down on what little remained of an old, yet now broken in half, marble bench from their former golden age. The swan, or more precisely Zeus didn't answer back, as he just watched the ruined landscape before him with guilt in his eyes. Had he really caused all this death and destruction over a mere joke- no over a childish and foolish attempt by his sons to make him and Hera argue for their amusement. He could barely fathom it himself, with his wife sharing that same belief.

" If only we.. if only we could be the gods they wanted us to be.." Zeus said softly, before leaping out of his wife's arms and began to walk around the remains of his once glorious people's capital. The few still alive cries, and screams of sorrow all began to die down slowly, one after another as his son, Hermes, and Thanatos began to release their souls from their broken and dying bodies, leading them to the underworld. Though even after wandering for a bit more by himself, only occasionally seeing members of his family and faction, all looking gloomy and guilty like himself, he heard something.

A small cry for help. It was unlike the others he had heard before, which all had been in greek. This one was in japanese. It was clear to him it was a child, and a boy by the sound of it as well. He was crying in such a determined voice, almost like he wasn't worried for his own life, but the life of others, or maybe just one single person. Zeus could hardly stand to listen to the child cries, as he covered his ears with his wings not wanting to hear any more of it's cries for help, and just hoping that soon one of the two gods currently releasing people from their painful life would help this child and whoever it was he was trying to save. But nothing happened. It was not the child's, nor the person he was trying to save time.

Zeus could hardly believe that this child was not fated to die today. It made him turn almost instantly into a more useful form, a young man of near equal height to his true form, with a matching hair. He ran over to where he could hear the child, and began to remove the many bricks, pieces of wood and glass that had the child trapped." Hera! Come and help me! Quickly now!" Zeus roared to his wife, not in anger but more in desperation, like this boy meant so much more to him, then he really did. Hera, along with a few others began to folk around their leader and his slowly growing pile of broken house parts, all of them confused by his actions as they had all promised not to interfere in their people's lives, not since the whole Trojan war thing had happened.

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