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Sorry for the long wait, just could decide how to start this chapter, or even how to end it. 

Anyways enjoy!

( Issei's House)

Issei sat down on his sofa, as he ate from his instant noodle cup, while listening to his older brother Ares on the phone. He raved on and on about some stupid conflict a minor war god had started up in Europa, while he still had his conflicts in the middle east. Issei listened to his boring, and slightly childish yammering mindlessly, as he awaited Irina to return home.

Mainly to hear about her day, see how she was feeling about tomorrow and to understand why a few of their friends had sent him "get better soon" messages." Hey! Issei, ya been listening to a word I said?" Issei just grunted in response, seeing it as a good enough show of attention. The war god seemed to feel the same, as he without wasting a second went on about his war god problems.

" You know I got this gut feeling-" A massive explosion went off in the background, with a bunch of scared foreign sounding screams following it, before Ares continued."-It's telling me that something big is coming. A big war is brewing somewhere in the world." Issei's ear perked up a bit at that news. Ares gut feelings were good, if not 99% assured to warn about any upcoming war. It was how he knew that when Eris had thrown that golden apple at Hera, Athena and Aphrodite that one time, that it would kick off a war. The Trojan War.

" Yeah, so? Is it gonna be soon and between what countries?" Issei asked, slightly intrigued to see humans throw away an endless amount of human lives for some oil, metal or some other pointless reason." No human forces this time, just us and the rest of the supernatural world. And it won't be small like the so-called Great War, but big. Really big." Issei almost spat out his food. Ares normally wouldn't call the great war small, without good reason.".. we talking end of the world?"

" We might be, but I don't know for sure. I'll check up with a few other old war gods, see if anyone else feels the same as me." He felt his own gut agreeing with Ares. It could be because he trusts his words wholeheartedly when it comes to these things, or thanks to his many times working with him, and seeing wars start and end. Demigods are affected by the gods they work under, are guided by or who they choose to follow. By doing this, they are granted that god's essence, a better name for it would be the gods domain.

Never enough to take over as one faction new god of x thing, but to better them in the same domain. And Issei was really good at the war domain. Said domain is vast in which way it can be used or performed, thanks to the many war gods, their children and their servants who help in their cruelty or total domination. Issei stands by Ares' strength and listens to Athenas strategies, placing him in the middle, yet still as a factor that can change battles or war. Though he has only ever fought in a human one.

His title ain't just because he rides a dragon, it's because his very presence would be perceived as a dragon's by human soldiers." Anything I should do in the meantime?" He asked, waiting for an order. The phone went silent, as only the background noise filled his ears, until Ares spoke with a foreboding voice." Start training, get your spear sharpened and be ready for anything, that's my only order for now. Be safe Issei." He ended the call, leaving Issei to go through their conversation. He looked over to his spear.

It stood next to the fridge, made to look like a broom with some simple illusion magic. He walked over and grabbed it, removing the illusion and letting its bronze head reflect the light from the kitchen lights. In the reflection he saw himself. Smiling madly, as a sea of fire surrendered him and storms rage above. Two wings of wind, with copper braces holding it in place, sprouted behind him in the reflection." Raise my hand.. right?",'"Yes, child.'

Issei Demigod of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now