
58 4 1

( Six years ago, Italy, Rome)

' Scratch that, this is boring as fuck..' Issei thought, as lunch was not lunch, it was a prayer, a big one, to get a piece of bread and a glass of juice. Can't give kids wine, which he thought was stupid, he had wine before. It wasn't that bad."-Amen. You may eat, children. Enjoy." A Priest said, as he sat down at a table at the end of the hall. The canteen was an old church, reused to have meals in.

Where the altar normally sat, now a table with teachers/priests sat. And where the pews normally stood row in row, now sat small ten man tables. At each table, a nun sat with the kids, or young adults, and made sure everyone behaved. Apparently, this was new, as that was what Emilia said, since her mentor and sponsor, Dulio had made them have to install nuns at the older tables, thanks to his behavior.

And now Issei, was another shining example of why it was a good idea to have them at the older tables." Behave child, thank the Lord properly and you may eat, and not a moment sooner." An older nun, a hag in Issei's opinion, scolded him as he finished praying, just not to God. But to someone who actually does shit, as he said." I don't believe in God, and I already thanked my aunt for the food, so I won't." He responded, making the woman gasp from shock.

" Blasphemy." The other kids began to whisper, some even pointed their fingers at him, while repeating the word "hearing" over and over again. Emilia and Xenovia, who sat at the table behind him, tried to keep calm." Should we do something?" Emilia asked." Nope, he asked for it. And what hubris to say your aunt made all this?" She pointed at all the food before them.

Emilia forgot briefly that Xenovia disliked Issei enough to risk getting punished by Grisedal." Why did I bother asking I'll go over and hel-"," Don't, it's not worth the trouble Emil. He has to accept the Lord has power here, not his aunt." Xenovia held onto her arm, slowly bringing her back down." What's the problem sister, Mista?" A familiar man asked, as he bent down just a bit, and got down to eye level with the two arguing people.

" Lor.. I mean, father Dulio, what brings you here?" The Nun sounded flabbergasted at his sudden appearance. Dulio pointed at Issei, with a mischievous look." Him, the little troublemaker. He's at the wrong table you see." The nun looked confused at him, then at Issei, then back at him." You jest, right? He has no manners fit for even this table.. the child speaks of blas-" Dulio put a finger up to his lips, singling her to shut her mouth.

" He's different, not a heretic. Now then, let's go, Issei." Dulio grabbed him by the arm, then dragged him away with a mild bit of force, to the entrance of the canteen. There another table had been placed. It was circular, with three stools, with one being occupied by Griselda, enjoying a moment of peace. She was still praying, silently, as if she had done it wrong and redid it from the start each time.

She was smiling quite beautifully, until she could hear Dulio's footsteps coming closer. Her smile turned to a frown and she stopped praying, and opened her eyes to watch the two, with an icy cold stare." You can't be serious, Dulio." Issei felt a bit offended. It seemed like she was more angry about him being here, then she was about Dulio bringing him." Can't we just eat with the kid, might keep the nuns from going nuts about his lack of.. shall we say, proper prayer?" He proposed with slight glee, yet Girselda was not swayed.

" Put him back at his table, and let's eat already, we have classes after this. We don't have time to watch him as well." She argued back. She kept her hands clasped together, still awaiting to be prayed with fully. Yet it made her look somewhat menacing." I have a higher rank than you, so I decide if he stays or not, I was only asking to be nice." Dulio retorted, as he motioned Issei to sit down next to Griselda, who looked at Dulio, with an even more angry gaze." You can't always play rank, when you don't get your way." Her fury sat in her throat, and she began to pray again. But Issei could hear her muttering to herself, something like "may Satan take him".

Issei Demigod of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now