The calm

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Sorry for the long wait, but here is the next chapter, thank you all for your patiants, hope you all enjoy.

( Dream/memory)

" What? Do you really mean that, Irina-chan?" A much younger Issei asked, as his childhood friend, and holiday buddy nodded excitedly, before speaking wordlessly to him. He understood each word, as if he had said them himself, with his facial expression becoming even more amazed as Irina told him of her dreams with God and of the blessing she had told her about." So if you say that, then the whole world will become peaceful and all the evil creatures will die?" Issei asked, almost jumping off the floor of the basement he and Irina had sneaked into, while their parents were talking upstairs.

Irina spoke once more without any words nor sound, as she then reached her right arm out to Issei, placing it over his heart firmly. Issei looked at her arm excited to see what it was she wanted to show him now, and became a bit surprised, but also amazed when her hand was covered in a green light. When it disappeared, her hand had a small red bracelet on and a medium sized gem in the middle of it, that glowed darkly in the dim light of the candle the two had with them." That's so COOL! Irina-chan, you're like a mage or a.. a magic knight!.. you're so cool Irina-chan!" Irina giggled soundlessly, happy to hear her childhood friend's kind words.

She spoke again, with him listening even more intently as she said something that took him by surprise. He began to blush brightly, before feeling a slowly growing warmth spread throughout his body, a nice and soothing kind of warmth." I-I... I like you too, Irina-chan.." He said, as he looked away feeling embarrassed by his own words, but looked back as she said something back to him, with him becoming even more embarrassed. He placed his hand on her right hand, feeling the metallic bracelet's strange power touch him for a brief moment, before he got his focus back on Irina. She said something, which he nodded to quickly with an understanding look." I who am about to awaken-

( Kouh Academy, lunch break)

To most of Issei's classmates, he seemed oddly and even a bit too happy, as he sat in the back of the class, wearing a headset and seemed to quietly sing along to whatever song he was hearing. It was mostly stranger to those who knew of the demi-god's true nature, since they had all believed he would have been after them, or at least very angry, thanks to the message they had received from Sona's older sister last night. But here stood Asia and Kiba, both wondering if this was just another way for Greeks to be angry, or if Issei was just hiding his feelings for now.

" Should we go over and talk with him? I mean, he seems fine so it should be safe, right?" Asia asked, her voice sounding unsure and maybe even a bit confused, since this was quite the strange sight to the young nun. Kiba couldn't blame her for that, since he didn't know how to feel about this either and wanted to ask Rias or Akeno for help with this." I don't know either, Asia-san. He just seems to be minding his own business, I think. We should just tell Rias-sama about this for now, and leave him alone." Kiba suggested, with Asia nodding a bit hesitant, from feeling a bit bad for feeling relief from being able to get away from Issei.

Though as the pair was about to leave the humans alone and clueless to the weird scene before them, they were stopped as an overly happy voice called out to them." Kiba-san! Asia-chan! How are you doing, guys?" Issei called out to them, as he had noticed them and had left his chair to go over and talk with them. He had taken his headset off, letting everyone hear a somewhat quiet harmonica and someone singing in a strangely energetic voice, coming from them. The called out pair turned around, both a bit shocked for having been finally noticed, after having been in there for the last five minutes.

" Oh Issei-kun... uh, well we are... okay, I guess how about you?" Asia asked, stuttering a bit, which seemed to make Issei smile a bit brighter, mostly because he found mortal beings' reactions to be quite cute." Oh, I am really angry, so I am listening to some of my parents favorite music." Issei said happily, making the devil pair freeze for a moment, neither having not expected this, but it still had quite a bit impact with how happy he sounded and how relaxed he seemed. But it became a bit clearer to Kiba, now that he was so close to him, that Issei's entire body was restraining itself and light steam was coming off it. He gulped noticeably when he spotted this.

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