A Demi gods Wrath

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( Divine Realm, Olympus)

Issei got into a jumping position, with his spear held tightly out by his right hand, making it be pointed straight forward towards his opponents. He flexed his muscle as hard as he could, before setting his left hand on the ground, just for added speed. Then he practically flew off, as he jumped from his end of the arena, leaving a small crater inside the one Lenedos had made before.

He shot through the air, with his spear held ready to strike. Riser and his group barely had time to position themselves, much less mentally prepare for this clearly stronger opponent's sudden leap forward."Fire!" Riser called out, as he alone shot off a ball of fire, followed by a magic bomb from his queen and another ball of fire from his Bishop, or rather his sister, Ravel.

The front fighters saw the three's magic attack fly over their heads, straight at Issei, who didn't even try to block it. They saw how it made contact, and how he just came flying out of the smoke with a single scratch. The crowd cheered at his invulnerability, while the front group, namely both of rooks and four of his pawns, the twin pairs all watched in fear as their opponent flew straight at them.

"Get rea!-'' Isabla, one of the rooks yelled out, but was cut shot, literally as Issei cut her in half with his spear. Thankfully, this whole fight was being interfered with by devil magic, the same kind as the one they use in rating games, so no lethal harm would be left when they were defeated. The five other girls jumped him together, to get revenge for their fallen comrade.

But before they could reach him, Issei swung his spear around in a circular motion, cutting them all in half as well." Riser's two rooks, and four of his pawns, have been defeated!" The man announced, not that it was really needed, since everyone could easily tell just by looking. Issei was beating them so easily, that it felt just a bit unfair for the devil heir and his peerage.

Issei stood still, not moving an inch as he waited for Riser's next move. It didn't take long for him to receive said next move, as a rather large barrage of fire balls and magic bomb attacks were all sent his way. He readied his spear behind his back, while lowering his legs a bit to support whatever it was he planned to do. As the magic barrage came closer, he jumped straight into it, ready to pierce right through it with his spear.

He was covered in fire, magic, explosion and smoke leaving the crowd and Riser all wondering if he made it through the attack intact or not. Yet once again he did, he flew right out of the smoke cloud, ready to fight the next group of attackers, who had all flown up to meet him in aerial combat. He clashed his spear with one of the knights, deflecting her attack and parrying the other knight's attack as well.

He kicked her in the stomach with so much force, she was teleported out of the arena." Riser's Knight is down, one remaining." The announcer said, not before having to say it again as Issei cut the other one down as well, before stabbing an unfortunate pawn who was just a bit too close." Riser's last Knight and one of his pawns are both out!"

The three remaining pawns tried to seek refugees with their king, but were all cut down from behind by Issei in a quick leap forward with a wide slash added." Riser's last three pawns have been defeated!" The crowd cheered again, making the remaining combatants worry if, them losing this quickly was expected from the start, and the crowd was just here to watch them suffer.

" Riser, we need to do something, this boy is no ordinary opponent. The Gremory must've chosen him, because they knew he would be able to beat us without any problems." Yubelluma, Riser's queen, warned her king as she hoped dearly they could somehow turn this around, or just get out of this hell pit of an arena alive, since from the look in Issei's eyes, he didn't seem to want them alive.

Riser didn't answer, as he couldn't see how this being a Gremory trick would help them. All the onlookers were from Issei's faction, this fight was made possible because of Sirzech, who's the former Gremory heir, now turned Devil king. Anyway he looked at it, they had been set up to lose right from the start.

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