The Contract

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Hello everyone! Sorry for the long delay on this chapter, but I just really struggled with how I should write, but now I feel like it's done and that I can move on to the next chapter, so I hope you will enjoy this one. Bye!

(Issei's Dreams)

The tall landscape and grassy peaks of his home, were all standing so high above him, as he himself stood on the cloudy steps to the entrance. He could see his home, his family and his Irina all standing up there waiting for him to finish something. He looked around, almost like he knew something he probably shouldn't know, as everything was being told to him, or rather thought to him.

He turned around, doing a full 180 on himself and suddenly the cloudy landscape of the gods realm had disappeared and been replaced with a burning landscape. His former clothes of greek design and of great comfort, had all been burned away and in their place had his armor taken form, with his spear and shield appearing as well.

He grabbed tightly onto his spear long handle, as he felt once more something was trying to direct him, with him getting into a battle ready walking stance and began to walk through the burning plains. He saw many things on his way, mostly structures he felt he had seen before. He even saw what he could only describe as the gods watching him, through their animal forms, as he could clearly see the silhouette of many animals, some of which he knew as his familys' animal forms.

But those sights only lasted for so long, as the fires suddenly shut up and consumed all the remaining buildings, the animals and then lastly this little world Issei was standing in. But it did not hurt. His body knew this somehow, as he had kept his eyes open and now watched what he believed to have been the cause for this destruction.

A massive crimson red dragon, one he had only read and heard of in the history books in Athena's study, Ddraig the Heavenly Dragon of Domination. His massive figure, his wings which almost covered the entire sky and the practically endlessly deep green eyes that he had, all made Issei feel outmatched and in no position to ever in his entire life to be able to fight such a being.

He fell onto his knee almost instantly as the two made eye contact, and the heavens worths of amounts of power that Ddraig held inside of himself, let itself out in full force upon Issei body. It was intense, unlike anything he had ever felt in his entire life. It felt like holding the entire sky, but over that sky was another one and one more above that one, and so on.

The feeling faded slowly though, much to Issei relief. But the thing he saw after finally regaining some sense of calm, was not one he had ever expected to see. A heavily armored figure stood before him. Majestic metallic red wings spread out to each side, with long chestnut brown hair dangling down from the back of their head and a massive sword pointed straight at his throat. He could guess from the fact the person under the armor had long hair, and even had some parts of the chest area of the armor puffed out, that they were a woman.

" A.. female red dragon.. emperor?.." Issei said weakly, as he watched in awe at the power the woman held within herself and let slip out, almost like she was wordlessly saying that she and him were worlds apart when it came to pure and raw power, as she had obviously much more then he had or could ever hope to achieve.

She lowered the tip of her weirdly shaped sword, before leaning down towards him making their eyes meet on a much closer level, as each felt a feeling of knowing the other." Issei?/Irina?-" Before the woman could get to show herself, the burnt landscape, flames and herself all disappeared and Issei was left alone to float in a colorless void.

( Kouh Town)

Inside one of the many, old factories in Kouh a battle was currently underway. On one side were about 11 dead strays, with only 3 being alive, but just barely. On the other side, Issei stood with his hands tightly around another stray, who had tried to attack him from behind, but had obviously failed." Really? This is the best you can do? 15 strays in total, and yet none of you could even lay a single hit on me?" He began to squish tighter around the less deformed stray, as it kept struggling to get free of his grip, but nothing seemed to work. It didn't take long after, that its body went limp and a loud crack could be heard, before a heavy thud as Issei let go of the now dead stray and turned towards the last three that were alive.

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