Winds of change Part 2

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(Kouh Academy)

The fight was on. Few words were said between the opposing sides, before Katera and Azazel flew into the sky and fought. Vali had been sent out by Azazel as he kept Katera busy, to fight off the mages. The remaining leaders and Grayfia had made a barrier around the frozen people. While they did that, Dulio, Xenovia, Kiba, Saji fought against the mages as well.

But before that, nearly as soon as Vali was sent out to fight, Rias was allowed by Sirzechs to use the move Castle on herself and Irina, to teleport over to Koneko. The two appeared in one of the second floor halls, with Koneko nowhere in sight. The battle outside was like a lightshow, at least the parts of it that were in the sky. Vali flew by like a blue star, and Azazel's shining purple spears made for a beautiful sight. If it was a moc battle or training, Irina and Rias might have just stood and watched, but they had better things to do.

" Can you tell where she is?" Irina asked. She had the gauntlet and sword ready, wielding the mighty slab of steel with both hands. Rias nodded, as she pointed towards the end of the hall, where the club put all their fake club materials." In there. Koneko and Gasper are inside there." The two hurried over, slowing down so as not to alert any potential enemies inside. Rias stopped on the right side, while Irina stopped on the left side of the door, where the handle sat. She looked towards Rias, awaiting orders.

" Be ready for anything, but do not rush in and attack the first thing you see. Human mages are known for their cowardice." Rias explained. She held up her hand, readying a ball of destruction, with what little magic she still had left. The one reason the leaders, and those with sacred gears didn't get frozen, was because of their immense amounts of magic or the protection of their gear. Rias happened to hold Irina's hand as the spell was put in effect, making her able to retain parts of her magic and stay unfrozen.

Irina readied her sword, holding the handle tightly. She felt her nerves dimming her focus, letting the talks of last night pass by her mind and a single question be left unanswered, as she broke through the door and got a lay of the room.' Why didn't Issei know?' Before her stood three mages, hooded and cloaked. Two of them had a knife pointing out of their hanging sleeves, which they each held one to either Koneko or Gasper's throat. The third one spoke. She was a woman. Their friends were hanged on purple magic threads. They seemed to hurt them, if they made the slightest move.

" Not a step closer, or the weaklings get to bath in their own blood." Irina could feel her mocking them, but didn't waver, not until Rias said something. Koneko looked bruised and beat up. She weakly lifted her head, a tear hanging on her left cheek." I'm sorry.. Rias.." She whispered, coughing a bit, then spitting out a drop of blood. Both devils felt their anger grow in them as they saw that. The mages seemed to giggle in response to their expressions.

Rias let her arm down slowly, then suddenly threw two balls of fire at the mages with knives, shocking all three of them."Now Irina!" She leaped forward, slicing the third one across her torso, making her fall on her back screaming in pain. The two others got another ball each of fire, putting them out of the fight. The two looked at each other, nodded, satisfied with their teamwork. Though they had to work together more, as the binds had not yet been dispelled.

Irina tried to cut them, but it did nothing." Why won't they break?" She asked." Maybe it's not a person holding them, but an artifact or some other device." Rias suggested. The two looked around the room, but found nothing at first, just two burnt corpses and one normal corpse." It's.. it's me.." Gasper groaned in pain, making the two turn towards him." They.. they did something to my eyes.. I can't stop it.." They could see what he meant with just one look.

Gasper had been kept somewhat hidden from Issei, as his powers were theorized to be effective against him. And with how Issei seemed to react most of the time, Sirzechs had ordered them to keep him secret for the time. His eyes were normal humans, with only a flair of his vampire half shown in them. But with him being half human, he had been given a sacred gear, the Forbidden Balor View, a gear that lets one stop time in whatever directions the user looks.

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