Marathon to Summer Part 1

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( Kouh Academy, Clubroom)

A few hours had passed, with most of the gang leaving to get some sleep or recover at home, but Irina, Rias, Akeno, Sona, Saji and Asia had stayed. Asia and Irina sat beside Issei's side throughout the whole night, while Rias and the others had talked. The topic of said discussion had been the events of the night, the arrival of the Khaos Brigade, the betrayal of Vali, Issei's fight against her and the Sphinx and Irina beating them both single handedly.

" It is truly remarkable how much she has grown in such a short time, to think she could defeat people even Issei struggled with." Sona commented. She stood by the window, watching the sun slowly rise into the morning sky." We might not need to rely on him anymore, besides, some of my servants have gotten sloppy."," I only lost my footing once, President!" Saji exclaimed." I know, but I mean what I said. You and the others have become reliant on Issei's strength."

"The moment he steps onto the field, you barely feel a need to worry in some weird way. At least it felt that way, when we saw him fight Riser, but since then.. Stronger and stronger enemies have come to changellen us, and this time, they nearly killed him." Akeno took a sip of tea, as she finished." And I have a plan to change that!" The doors shut open, as in came Azazel, wearing the outfit of an average teacher.

Akeno spilled her tea, causing her to turn, glaring daggers into his eyes, but he shrugged it off. He took Rias's chair as his seat, kicked up his legs and got comfortable." Sup kids, as part of this new alliance thingy me and the other leaders are working on, I'll be your new guidance counselor."," What?!" In unison the two heiresses yelled, as Saji laughed nervously and Akeno had metaphorically steam flying out of her ears." Calm down, it was either me or.. Me. So just take this as the better of two possibilities."

" They're both the same!" Sona commented." I want to speak with my brother." Rias demanded, with a hand suddenly patting her head." I approved this, Ria-chan." It wasn't actually Sirzechs hand, it was Grayfia's, Sirzech was speaking through a magic seal held by Grayfia in her other hand." Why?"," Because like, ms. Himejima said, the enemies have gotten stronger and your only counter is the unbeatable hero. Who just lost big time."

" What you mean, Azazel, is that we will have you all training during Rias and Sona's return to the underworld for the summer holidays." Sirzechs explained. The kids listened, as he kept explaining on about the details. Nothing too concret, just the an idea of it and had Rias and Sona given some notes, to tell the rest of their peerages about this. Azazel slithered out of the chair, and into the side room, but was stopped as Asia opened the door, slamming it into his head." Asia?.. Oh by Lucifer, what are you doing on the floor Azazel?" Rias asked, unimpressed by the sight of him.

After he got off the floor, excusing his bit of unluck as karma, Asia told the rest about Issei's current condition." His body has used an enormous amount of energy, so he'll need to recover all of it by sleeping."," For how long?" Rias asked." Tomorrow night, maybe late afternoon. But he will be awake before monday." Most let out sighs of relief, while Azazel took a quick glance at the door to the room with Issei in. A weak smile sat on his lips, as he felt uncomfortable by the auras behind it.

Red and Green like spiritual beings, where hidden behind it, watching them in some weird sixth sense kind of way. He felt his neck hair standing up, as the green one seemed to focus its gaze his way. Then it stopped." Good to hear. Let those two rest until the summer break, they have more than earned it with their efforts last night." Sirzechs said, with the others agreeing.

The meeting ended soon after, as people went home and got some much needed sleep. Only Rias, Irina and Issei stayed behind, though the ladder didn't have much of a choice or even knowledge of it, since when Rias reentered the room, he and Irina were deep asleep. Even in his deep slumber, he could still cuddle up with Irina, who was enjoying that and the fact that her boyfriend was okay." Too cute.. A pity, we can't have more moments like this." Rias said to herself, as she left the two to sleep.

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