The White One Appears

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( Present, with Issei)

Each slam of metal, each slice of watery claw and each knee kick of bone shattering power, brought the two Greeks closer to a more monstrous fighting style. Yet despite their similar strength, Issei wasn't limited by being in the human world, unlike his opponent, who could keep fighting him at this level of power for a predetermined period of time. Said time was a measly seven minutes.

They both knew the time limit. They both knew once it reached zero, Issei would slam her into the floor, and drop kick her into the underworld. So Styx fought like only a desperate goddess could, so she could take Issei with her down to the underworld again. Every attack she made was meant to limit his body's combat effectiveness.

Slash's at his biceps, to weaken the power of his own attacks and make it harder for him to keep swinging them. Kicks to his legs, to make it harder to keep his balance. And clawing at his face, only at his eyes, to make him focus his defense and keep him distracted from seeing her attacks and counter them.

If not for his intense training, metal bones and willpower, her attacks would have been too effective for him to deal with. Yet he could still dash out a world of hurt against her. Wide swings at her torso and shoulders, bone shattering fists being swung in her head and the constant smoke he released as breath in and out. It helped keep her busy, but with her body being made of water and only becoming solid when she attacked, made his own attacks ineffective.

Yet, if he could keep their fight in this stalemate for long enough, then he would win.' Patience, the greatest virtue of any true warrior.' He thought to himself, as Styx clawed out more chunks of his left arms muscles, letting his blood all over the floor. He flung his right arm out after her, feeling it go through ice cold water, before re emerging from her head.

She responded back with another attack, where she straightened out her clawed fingers, and launched her arm forward as fast she could. It was like seeing a spear being shot at him, with how sharp her hand looked and how stiff her whole became. He titled his head to the left, narrowingly avoiding losing his right eye or his ear.

He hunched a bit down on his right leg, then swung his left leg at her legs, feeling the softness of her plum right leg, being kicked off the ground. He would have gotten her left leg too, if she hadn't decided to use the momentum of his kick, to do an upward spinning kick with her left leg. He felt her foot slammed into his chin, shaking his entire head to nauseating degree.

She landed gracefully on right leg, then took this brief chance to breathe. She watched as Issei kept shaking his legs, as his eyes kept looking totally still, too dazed from the shock of her attack. Feeling her victory was close at hand, she leaped back into the fight, finding his current self much less changeling to fight. He was sloppy, slow and unable to land a single hit.

He kept staggering, leaving himself open for her to claw the right side of his stomach, then sliding her claws up all the way to his armpit, cutting into his ribs as she went up. He felt his brain rolling around in his head, making any attempt of his to turn towards Styx and defend himself, into him nearly falling over from nausate from his entire body spinning around.

He tried to get over to anything he could support himself on, a table, a wall, hell even Styx would work, as long as he could regain his sense of balance. But the fates would not have it, as he attempted to reach a nearby table, he felt a terrible pain in his right shoulder. He looked at it, as he barely grabbed onto the table.

Out of his left shoulder, cleanly pushed through both armor, flesh and metal bone, sat the tip of a spear made from the coldest ice Issei had ever felt in his life. It was like an icicle from some mountain, in the deepest, coldest and oldest cave in it, as the tip was at least 13 centimeters long. He looked a bit further over his shoulder and saw Styx, so manically and dashingly standing in a field of many other ice spears.

Issei Demigod of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now