Winds of change Part 1

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( 8 years ago, Greece, Athens)

As the sight of Athens tumbling over, with a sea of flame dancing above it, with lighting striking at random places and moments, a group of humanoid like people sat on a nearby hill and watched the destruction unfold. It was nearby, as in only a few meters away from what would be seen as the furthest away house. People were inside of it, screaming out in agony, as they were crushed by their house and cooked alive by the flames.

The group had a neat little picnic, with wine, sandwiches and even, just to add salt to the wound, sunglasses. They sat in a u-shape, watching the chaos like it was a movie. Laughter, jokes and such were thrown between them." Oh, look there! A human got out!" One of them, a man wearing a unnaturally clean navy blue business suit said, as he pointed towards a woman who climbed out of what used to be her house's roof.

Her skin was seared off, she had no hair, clothes or anything on her. Her right arm was broken, and both her legs were being turned to ash as she reached for the sky." She looks so desperate." Another man, wearing a faded brown suit, stood up and looked at the woman, then sat his index and middle finger up like a crosshair." What are you gonna do about it, Oth?" A woman, wearing a beautiful aquamarine dress, asked while giggling into her hand. They all knew, this was just one big joke to them.

" This!" He threw his arm back, then shot a ball of fire at the woman, skewering her head off, making the rest of her body tumble back into the inferno."Bravo." The Navy suit man said, raising his wine glass. He was grinning at the man, who grinned back, before sitting down again." That was a pretty good shot, Oth. But I think he could do better." Another woman, one wearing a sandy coat with a weird neck piece teased.

Oth snuffed at the comment, like he was a dog, feeling insulted at the mere mention of him being better."He's only 8, what could that brat do, besides pee himself, huh? Do tell us, Nazo." Oth said. Despite their family ties, these people were not often this friendly, for this long, without one of them bringing the mood back to normal." Just saying what I know, since I am the one watching over him, like father asked me to do, instead of you." She responded, even pointing her tongue at him, like a child would.

He was about to stand up, but the navy blue suit man kept him from doing so with only a single hand." Don't do this, not tonight. Mother is here." The man said, gesturing towards the older, slightly fat woman, sitting by herself under a small orange tree." Right, sorry Cerb, you too mother." Oth said, drinking his own glass of wine a bit slowly, feeling embarrassed by how he acted.

" It's fine deary, besides nothing you do tonight, could ruin it for me. I only wish more of you kids could be here tonight, to witness this." The woman said wishfully, as she ate a slice of a freshly picked orange, throwing the rest into the fire." For you my dear husband." She laughed, as she kept watch of the flames.

Nazo went over by her side, the others following behind her, one by one." He's ready, mother. I promise, the child won't fail, despite his lack of your blood." Nazo whispered into her ear, earning a small smile." I know that dear, I just wish to see him once as he is now, the life of a monster is never easy, at least not when you're alone."

( Next Day, Kouh Academy)

Very briefly had the real reason for Sirzech's and Serafall's visit yesterday, been explained. It was to make sure the area of Kouh was suited for an important meeting between the three factions. The Devils, Angels and Fallen Angels, had all agreed that the incident with Kokabrial was not their own doing, but rather the outcry of a small, minority of members in each respective faction, wishing to return to all out war instead of their current stance.

They had all agreed a truce was needed, so as to end any fighting between the factions and then be able to focus on any infighting, that way they could help to prevent such an incident from happening again. The sight of the school being enclosed in a magical shield, with holy and demonic magic was quite something. Hundreds of bodyguards from each faction, sat in the air like drones, watching both the representatives, but the other faction guards as well. The tension was high.

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