Monsters Family Tree part 1

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NOTE: I just remembered, after uploading this chapter, that it contains possibable sensative/offences content and lines, so read with care for yourself.

If you are sensative to subjects, like rape and pedo stuff (yes, it is that bad), then don't read the part marked by NSFY.( Not Safe For You)

I won't defend the scene, since it is historical correct to an extent and a  often used subject in most of Greek mythologi. But know, I won't go far with it, like sex scenes and stuff like that, I'll only describe it in a methaphorical sense.

I'll use that mark and warn you readers beforehand, when I write these subjects in my chapters. Hope you all understand, now lets get on with the story.

( Kouh, School yard)

Irian ran as fast as she could, barreling hearing the conversion behind her, before she jumped inside the school through the hole Issei had made. She landed almost perfectly on the other side of the rubble pile, seeing a few others like it, smaller in size, leading through more classrooms, with Issei lying at the end of the trail of destruction.

She kept on going, jumping and scuttling through the holes, not noticing the small, black slithering body of Lenedos creeping by underneath her. Her eyes and sense were numbed by the drumming adrenaline going through her, and the worry she felt as she saw Issei, lying on his back, bent at a slight unnatural ankle.

" Issei!" She nearly cried, not thinking it totally possible for him to be hurt. He opened his left eye slowly, groning at the pain in his back. His skin had turned back to normal, a few trails of steam flew peaceful from the corners of his mouth. He tried to smile, but the pain stung a lot, making it hard for him." Irina.. you okay? Are the..(groan) the others okay?" He asked, sounded less hurt then he looked.

She nodded, as she went down on her knees, to help him to get up, or at least sit more comfortably. He groaned as she and him lifted him up a bit, showing how bent his back had become. Irina couldn't help but touch it, amazed at how he wasn't dead or paralyzed from such a powerful slam and reposition of his back.

" Does it hurt?.." She felt a bit stupid for asking, but received a small pad on her head, as Issei just chuckled with a pained voice." Nah.. it's fine, could have been worse, but I won't be able to go and fight... I need to fuel my back with heat, so it can mend itself." He had explained a bit about his vastly different body to her before, even less to the others.

He had been given a small jar of Zeus blood, making him a demigod by blood transfusion, which was rarely done and was quite dangerous too. It had given him great strength, stamina, endurance and resistance equal to that of a minor god, but his strength had grown too fast making him more like Hercules.

His body would break down slowly as he used it, so he was given to Hephastus, who coated his bones with Olympian bronze, making them nearly unbreakable and durable beyond belief. That had led him to another problem, that when he used enough of his strength, his bones would begin to melt, as his blood began to boil dangerously close to the metal's melting point.

That led to his blood being filled with burnt blood, metal and smoke, covering his whole body slowly, only vanishing when his body began to relax." I see.. can I help with that or-" She drifted off a bit, she knew he was fine, he would manage to heal. But she couldn't stop herself from worrying. Be he a demigod, human or something else, he could still be hurt, even if it took a lot to do so.

" Hey, it's okay Irina. I'm not too hurt, and if we are lucky, help will come any..." He stopped himself, not because of the rain of light outside, the roaring of Lenedos as its anger boiled over from the attack, making it charge at the former Cadre, but instead from the cold and drowning sensation the two felt filling the room.

Issei Demigod of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now