Cat Fight

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( Kouh Academy, Entrance)

Serafall had tried every dispelling spell she knew, but nothing had worked. They'ed move an inch, then be frozen again. But she and others felt a sudden spike in magic inside the old school building, and with it came a wave of magic, bursting out and removing the massive teleportation circle, as well as the frozen spell.

The mages began to worry, as their reinforcements now stopped coming and their leader was too busy fighting Azazel, to help them fend off Vali and the others. So the sight of the leaders barrier going down and releasing a young man, too big, to be seen as just a teenager, did not make them feel any less worried. Even as he showed no magic ability, the way he held his spear and how he suddenly leaped into the air like it was nothing, proved him to be a lot scarier than any normal wizard.

"For Olympus!" He roared as he joined the fight, whilst the others and those who had been fighting, besides Vali and Azazel, stopped and just watched from the sidelines. He cleared out the last remaining ones alongside Vali in mere seconds, as he and she seemed to just work together, no word needed. Helping each other, using themselves as mid air platforms or as spears." So.. Issei got big?" Dulio asked Xenovia, who just nodded.

" Am I glad we chose to make that deal with him back then."," Me too."," He does seem.. different, right?" Dulio said. The sight of his animal teeth had him still a little spooked." Yeah.. Irina and him have been through a lot, I think he just needs some time to be allowed to adjust himself to this new phase of his life." Xenovia suggested, as he cleaved through a handful of mages, before leaping through the air, to repeat this motion again and again.

Him and Vali began, without any pause or prior talk, to suddenly work together, as Vali would offer her hand to throw him through the air, and he would cleave through any she missed on her own rampage." I hope Irina and Issei can achieve this one day." Saji said, gathering some attention onto himself, mainly that of Rias's and Sona's peerage, with Serafall listing in.

" I mean.. they look almost like they were made just for each other-" Kiba, Xenovia and Akeno sent him death glares, whilst Sona's eyes became colder than he had ever seen. A clear underlying warning was sent."- I mean just on the battlefield, nowhere else!". The others gave him a suspicious look, but let it slide, for now. Speaking of battling, Azazel and Katera's fight was reaching a sort of peak, as she managed to blast off the arm she pierced with her spear.

Azazel, now one arm down and at a clear disadvantage, did not despair. She was not happy about this, as most would have expected, but she was surprised as the old man brought out a golden object, fitted with a purple gem at the top and bottom. It seemed to radiate power of a dragonic type from what Katera and those who noticed it on the ground, could tell." What is this? A chance to buy my mercy with one of your little trinkets?" She mocked, an attempt to hide her slight worry at what this thing could do.

" Trinket?.. I rather call it the best thing we've had to a new Sacred Gear in a millennium. You know what they say, like father, like son." The power from the artifact seemed to increase slowly." Sacred Gear? You can't be serious!? Only God could make those, this is just som-"," You sure?" Azazel cut her off. He was smug, he always was, but this one time it was shown even harder than ever before. He was now for being troublesome.

God at a point was too worried what he could do, if he had shown him his early test of the Sacred Gears. Even during the great war, God and his Angel would often try to avoid fights with Azazel, as his smug attitude and intelligence made him more terrifying than all four Satans combined." I mean, if it really is just a trinket and not an Artificial Sacred Gear as I like to call it, then when I press this button, nothing will happen, right?" His thumb hovered above said button.

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