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( 6 Years ago, Rome)

Two sides had been formed on the south end of town, as two frightened girls, now shielded by a pair of great fame in the supernatural, along with another warrior priest had come to save them. The pair of exorcists were also the two girls' respective guardians. Griselda and Dulio, both extremely dangerous in a fight, eating contest and teaching methods.

While on the other, stood Issei, being held back by his older brothers Hercules and Perseus, as a local Greek river god, Tiberinus, tried to defuse this whole thing with the two guardians." I hope, and I mean really hope, you won't let this dampen our factions' friendship too much?" The god asked, as his sweat began to form a new river right under him.

The guy was scared shitless to say the least. Dulio seemed okay with it, but Griselda, the one whose kid Issei had nearly choked to death with his spear, was not so easily swayed by the old god's request for forgiveness. "The boy needs to pay for his crimes." She demanded coldly, as her icy glare landed on the boy, who seemed to stop his vain struggling just like that.

The two demigods just gave each other an awkward look, then looked back at Tiberinus, hoping he would break the awkward news to the woman. He seemed to die a bit inside, as he readied himself for the woman's reaction of mostly likely bodily harm to him." We can't-" Not a second in, and a sword was struck between his legs by her.

" Why?" She asked, as she slowly lifted her sword up near his groin." He's.. Zeus's kid..." The old man said, as he hoped to keep his lower half, or at least the most important part of it. It was not spared, instead it was simply scratched a bit, as Griselda stepped back, now seeing the real shit storm they could get in if she acted too rashly.

Though it seemed her partner was not so surprised by his lineage as the others were, he instead saw something they all couldn't. A great opportunity, plus a good excuse for him to not teach his kid too much for a bit." Okay then, so we can't punish him too harshly, that's fair. But he still caused a great bit of commotion last night, so something must be done."

They all listened to the handsome priest, each getting the feeling he had found a compromise to this whole problem." We will take him for a few weeks to stay here, train with our two girls and learn our ways. Then send him back, unharmed and a bit smarter." The blonde man said, his eyes watching the three renowned beings calmly.

They each gave it a thought, and seemed to agree with it." It sounds fine, we can call it a cultural exchange of sorts." Perseus said, losing his grip on Issei as the boy watched him baffled, with how he quickly agreed to this deal. "What?!" Issei yelled.

( Present, Issei's home)

Lenedos, having been left at home to laze about for the day, raised his sleepy head as the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs in front of the door. It was unlocked with a small click, as three people stepped inside the main entrance, all three of which Lenedos knew, so he just lay down again.

" So this is where the Great Demi-god Issei lives now? A small, 4 person sized family house?" Xenovia commented, as she carelessly moved through the combined kitchen and living room, even petting Lenedos like it hadn't 4 years since she last saw him.

Issei just rolled his eyes, not feeling up to this little dick measuring contest, and just sat her baggage down in a corner, before finding a small bottle with an orange substance inside.' I wish this was wine..' He thought, as he took a quick gulp of his Greek grown orange juice.

" Yeah and? I mean, your home must be much smaller, miss Quarta, with you being a nun." Irina asked, having taken on this contest of who had the biggest home (dick), making Issei take a bigger gulp of his juice." No, I live in a small chartredal outside of rome. It might be as big as that school you go to." Xenovia, calmly explained, as she kept looking around.

Issei Demigod of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now