Her Holiness Arrives

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Sup my dear readers, and thank you all so much for 101 followers, and for waiting these last two weeks for this new chapter. I hope you will all enjoy it, as we now truelly begin our journey into the second season of Dxd.

So without more delay, pls enjoy this newest chapter.

( Greece, 7 years ago)

" How much longer must we wait? I wish to see this boy you speak so highly of, Zeus." The great god of the Oceans spoke, as he sat impatiently in his chair, his feelings being shared with his older brother, Hades. The old god of the afterlife and wealth, sat on his throne of bones from his most middle of the moral spectrum subjects, hidden underneath a veil so dark it made a few of the demi gods gathered there, question if he was even there underneath it.

" Patience, patience. Haphatuses said it would take some time to fuse him with his bones, besides you all know that anything that leaves his forge is well worth the wait." Zeus spoke, though it did little to help with the patience of the many beings gathered. Thankfully they didn't have to wait long, as Apollo and Haphastuse came first, bowing first to the three kings, then stepping aside to show the fruits of their efforts, so to speak.

" May I introduce my younger brother, Issei Hyoudou, now with bones of pure olympian bronze, the most durable metal in all of the supernatural." The smith god spoke, as he motioned for Issei to step forward, bringing him into the light of a few fire pits, showing them all the slight scarring and remaining blood all over his body.

A few of the more soft beings in the room, flinched at the sight of the small boy being covered in head to toe with some many scars, yet part of them told to keep quiet, as they all knew it had been for his own good. The two kings, who hadn't been able to meet the boy before this day, leaned forward, both intrigued and wanting to get a better look at him.

( Small note, Hades and Possiden didn't see Issei back when Zeus and Hera had rescued him and Irina, and they had been busy for the time being afterwards until today, just to clear any confusion.)

" Fine work, this one is. I can see many more guests entering my realm when this one grows up. I smell the stank of death from you boy, I like it." Hades spoke dryly, as Issei imagined a ghastly smirk forming underneath the black veil." Hades, speak not as if it is set in stone that he shall bring death, he may and he may not, for now let's see if his little problem has been fixed." Poseidon said, as he sat back in his chair, smirking as he watched a figure behind Issei approach.

Issei felt all the many giant beings look behind him, only feeling brave enough to look behind him when two strong, yet safe hands sat themselves on each of his shoulders." Hello, little brother, are you ready to test your new strength?" Hercelse spoke, with Issei feeling briefly happy to see his favorite older brother, before realizing what he had said.

( Present, Kouh Town)

Issei was cleaning his spear, feeling tired and wet, as it had started to rain a bit after he had begun tonight's partrole." I hate rain.. how about you, Marco?" Issei asked the cut off head of the stray he had hunted down, killed and now was talking to as if it could answer." Yeah, same. Know any good date spots nearby?" Issei asked again.

His little sicko conversation continued on, with him finding whatever Marco was saying quite interesting. Interesting enough to make him not notice the clearly lost and worried, drenched priest walking by him in this small alley in town, with another man also wearing priest clothing seeming to stalk him.

Neither of these people seemed to notice each other, and if they did, they didn't seem to care much. Only when the first priest got thrown back into the alley, and landed on top of Marco's corpse, with a massive slash wound across his chest. Only then did Issei's eyes widened slightly, as he saw the man drenched and slowly dying on the floor. He looked towards where the man had been thrown from, seeing the man who had most likely done it.

Issei Demigod of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now