Party Time

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( Kouh academy)

The main school of the town, and main place of education for most of the supernatural population in the area, in one of the many buildings set aside for club activities, namely the Girl's Kendo Club building. In said building, a very interesting event was taking place, as for the first time, willingly, a man was allowed inside.

This man was the one and only male foreign student, greek orphan from japan and lover of spanish traditional music, Issei Hyoudou. He had been asked, or rather pestered by many of the girls from the club to come and join them for practice just once. They had seen his body was not scrawny and weak, like most of the other boys, plus he was objectively much more handsome than them too.

Only their Kiba-sama could hope to ever match him, both in looks and in charm, as currently Issei was fending off the vice-president of the club, while smiling calmly at her. No mortal, human or supernatural, could hope to ever match him in physical prowess and technique." You did pretty well.. considering this was your.. your first time with a kendo sword.." Katase said, while trying to catch her breath after their practice spar.

Issei just chuckled lightly." What can I say, maybe I am just gifted with fighting and that kind of stuff. You weren't too bad either." He smiled, as he turned away and looked towards the only other person in the room, who wasn't a member of the club, and certainly wasn't a female either." What about you, what do you think, oh knight in shining armor?" Issei asked, making Kiba shake his head, slightly annoyed at his nickname, but still he smiled as he stepped out of the doorway.

" I feel very honored to be able to see what all you girls get up to. But when it comes to sword fighting, I am not an expert at all. It looked good though." Kiba lied with a sweet and charming smile, sending a look towards Issei, warning him not to go too much into detail about him or himself. Issei just rolled his eyes, but accepted Kiba's request. The two left shortly afterward, with a few of the girls crying as the two most objectively wanted men left.

They marched towards the old school building, Issei whistling something, rather poorly, while Kiba kept his eyes on Issei with a glint of annoyance sparkling in his gray eyes. Issei could feel his companions eyes on him, but didn't feel like starting another augment today, so just hoped Kiba would keep quiet-" Issei, can I speak with you about something?" Kiba asked, sounding less annoyed then he looked, as he motioned off to the side of the school house.

Issei sighed, then nodded and followed after him wordlessly, then stopped as the two turned the corner, both making sure no one unwanted was listening in." What's the problem?" Issei started, curious to what the problem might be, since he doubted Kiba would be petty enough to start this conversation over his little nudge to him being good at swordplay.

" Stop looking at those humans the way you do." Kiba said, making Issei tilt his head to the side, a bit confused about what he had meant by that. "Come again?" Kiba shook his head, clearly annoyed with Issei's lack of self observation, which he felt was so obvious. Yet as his mouth seemed to open, another person's words came out in his place." You see them as equals, and that is a great insult to your very being. No human is equal to you." Issei felt his head sizzle for a brief moment, before he snapped out of it, and by a snap no less.

Issei found Kiba's fingers right in his face, repeatedly snapping at him, only stopping when Kiba saw he had woken up again." Issei, you listing?" Kiba asked, with some annoyance in his eyes as he awaited Issei's response." Um, yeah, what did you say?" Kiba rolled his eyes, at his response, before stepping back and straightening out his school over coat." Stop looking at them like they're below you. Humans aren't always stupid, they can tell when we lie." Kiba warned, before heading back around the corner.

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