Eye of the Beholder

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Sorry it took so long for me to make a new chapter, but I have been pretty busy with things, plus the fact that I am writting a new story, I know I am so quirky like that, right? Anyways, more on that later, but for now I hope you can all enjoy this lastest chapter, bye!

( Issei's Dream)

Endless fields of burning fire spread out before Issei, with no end in sight, as he clenched his hands tightly on the handles of shield and spear, prepared for whatever was coming. He stood fully covered in his bronze armor, scouting the horizon, waiting for something, but what it was or could be he had no idea. But he felt like he had seen this place before, like he had been here before, or maybe he was going to be here one day? He couldn't be sure with his dreams anymore, as they all seemed to loop the same theme of fire and endless destruction.

" What is this place?..." He asked himself, hoping for an answer, but only got a hot gust of wind in his face instead, making him feel his skin burning for a brief moment. Then the ground began to shake, as what looked like pillars of fire began to rise up from the ground, and the sound of a giant bird echoed throughout the land. He looked for where the sound came from, and saw its golden and orange flames fall off its brilliant body. It was a colossal Phoenix that had spread this fire and was on its way to spread it further.

" A Phoenix?.. no wait, it's missing its green eyes... is it perhaps-" Issei stopped himself, as the scream of someone he knew sounded throughout the burning plains, making him turn towards its source and watch on in horror at who it was. It was Irina in what looked like slave attire, with only a simple piece of cloth covering her body, standing hopelessly on the top of one the pillars of fire, unaffected by the fire surrounding her." Issei! Help! Issei!" She screamed, as she reached out with her hands towards him, fear and desperation being the only thing Issei could feel from her voice.

So too did the Phoenix, as it began to dive down towards her at speeds, one wouldn't think possible of such a huge bird. Only then did Issei realize what it intended to do, making him jump into action and without a care for his own well being, as he began to run through the sea of flames." Irina! I am coming to save you!" He yelled as the flames tried their damndest to consume him, in their eternal heat, but he did not care for their weak attempts as the bird roars were much stronger, and made wordless mockery of him.

" I won't let you.. I won't let you touch her!" He roared, as he threw his spear right at the bird's heart, missing it completely. The bird shortly after landed next to Irina, who just watched it hopelessly open its beak in preparation to eat her. She turned for a brief moment to Issei, and look him in the eyes, and said thus:" You failed me again, Issei... just like you did that night-" She was gone, along with the pillar, the giant bird and the entire sea of flames, as Issei suddenly found himself standing on a burnt plain, with hills made of bodies everywhere he looked.

Worse yet was the blood he found on his hands, face and armor. He had killed them all in revenge for what had happened to Irina, but who were they?" They are your enemies." A mysterious voice said, making him turn around to try and find its owner, only to find another hill of death." Devils, Angels, Humans and Gods." The voice continued, again appearing another place, only leaving its voice as a trace, since as soon as Issei turned towards it, it was gone again.

" But worry not child, their lives did not matter." Issei turned towards it again, finding more hills of dead bodies, these looking familiar to him for some reason." You didn't need them. Not your friends." He began to spot the burned, pierced and broken bodies of his new and old friends, in one of the many hills." And certainly not your family." He fell onto his knees, at the sight of his entire family laying on top of one another, lifeless and dead, like every other body here." It's only a matter of time now, then you shall see your true power, child."

Issei Demigod of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now