Marathorn to Summer Part 2

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( With Xenovia, Kouh Gym)

Many people see light exercise as a good way to keep themselves healthy, to help weight loss and even as a way to meet new people. Xenovia did so as well, just her idea of light exercise, was doing cross fit like it was the same as just taking a short jog. She was trying to get her new body to fit with her chess piece, which was the pawn. And since she was strong, had a sacred sword and was decent at magic, she cost 4 pieces.

But being a pawn doesn't do much by itself, the real power hid in the ability promotion. This allowed for a pawn, when they entered whatever their king deemed enemy territory, to promote into any other piece besides the king. To draw the most power out of this ability, she began to train in what the different pieces specialized in.

Raw strength and endurance for the Rook. Speed and precision for the Knight. Magic and focus for the Bishop. This would combine and strengthen the Queen, which used all of the different pieces' abilities as well, just to a lesser extent, as it mainly specializes in high damage and vast amounts of magic. So cross fit for the Rook. Quarter marathons every three days for the Knight. Nightly reading for the Bishop and the Queen being stronger was a given if she kept this pace up.

This had all been suggested by Rias, who doesn't know that Xenovia takes things like training very seriously. The girl would break every bone in her body, if she believed it would benefit her. Rias had only meant she should do light training in these fields, then make it harder slowly over time as she became better. So here Xenovia was, on her one hundred and fiftieth squad, still faithful to her master, yet questioning if her legs could really take anymore of this. It was only day one.

She still had a hundred bench presses, pull ups, kettlebell swings and burpees. This she had to do three times each, with no breaks. If one would ask where she got this training plan from, then the answer would be Issei's house. Again, she believed herself to be at his level, and while that was true in the form of swordsmanship, the same did not hold true when it came to training. Issei's not ripped and strong as he is, without doing nothing for it.

" I wanna die.." 2 hours later, half dead on the floor mats, with two employees trying to get in contact with her, and another calling for an ampuls, Xenovia had finished day one. Issei would not be proved, he would be worried. She didn't break anything, besides her pride in her body. It was no match for the gym beast that was Issei.

( Meanwhile, with Kiba, Kouh park)

" I feel someone has broken their limits.. But not in a good way." The prince hadn't intended for this, but he hid his face in shame from the sunlight, as he felt unable to bear his lack of being able to help whatever poor soul had broken themselves. The girls around him loved it, taking photos, as he kept looking like some edgy drama kid unable to stop acting.

" If only I could have saved you.." He grasped at the sky, with such seriousness, one would think he just lost his friend. The girls loved it either way." I'm sorry." He let a single tear out, that flew off, carried by the wind.

( Sunday afternoon, Kouh Academy)

Most of the Gremory Peerage had gathered, with Sona, Saji and his two siblings joining them. The kids weren't that surprised, when none of the other devils looked as cool as their brother's team did." Sorry again." Sona whispered, earning a chuckle from Rias and Akeno." It's fine, if anything I believe we could all use the added cuteness." Rias responded, already finding the two small Saji clones to be just what she needed after last friday.

" I heard Issei liked playing with kids from Irina, so I doubt the two would mind." Akeno commented, as she filled the two's cups with tea, before filling her own and keeping three others empty. One for Irina, Issei and Asia each. Barely twelve minutes had passed, since Irina came out and got Asia to come in, so Issei had woken up and was just getting a quick checkup from the little blonde healer of the group.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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