Izuku Midoriya: the origin - Pt. 1

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On the way to Aldera Junior High

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On the way to Aldera Junior High

"C'mon Izuku! We'll be late! Fast!"

"I'm trying, Len-chan!"

Lenora was running as fast as she could, avoiding people in her way and jumping above lower obstacles while Izuku was doing his best to keep up with her. Almost eight years of friendship and yet he still couldn't keep up with her running style.

Len started to see the train station but the enormous monster on the rooftop made her stop abruptly, stretching out her arm to stop Izuku as well, who didn't notice his friend until he collided with her limb, his eyes fixed on the monster.

"That's a huge villain!", he painted out, trying to catch his breath, "Let's take a closer look!"

Len let out a sigh, slowly approaching the crowd in front of them; nothing would stop Izuku from seeing some Pros in action, she knew it all too well. The girl followed her friend between all the other curious people, being careful to do not to lose sight of each other until they reached the front line.

Almost eight years passed since the first time Lenora and Izuku's path met, and she learned a lot about friendship during that time. They became a double package: if Lenora was invited to one of their classmates' birthday Izuku would be at her side, they eat dinner at each other houses at least twice time a week, they studied together, trained together, hang out together and they were simply inseparable. Izuku was timid so Len was his extrovert side, Len was explosive so Izuku was her calm side, and both influenced the other to be someone better, pointing out each other lacks and helping fill it, loving each other like brother and sister, making promises to never leave the other's side. Len never thought something like that would happen when she was transferred to the new school, but she couldn't be happier.

Len was brought back to reality when a gigantic lady knocked the villain to the ground, creating a little earthquake. She maintained her position, keeping a hand around Izuku's forearm to prevent him from falling.

"Thanks, Len!", he thanked her, quickly rummaging in his bag, and taking out his notebook.

Len smiled, taking out the pen she had placed in her hair that morning, and handing it to Izuku, "Here."

Midoriya took the pen, looking at his friend's messy hair.

She's so pretty!

He shook his head, cheeks burning in embarrassment, "Thank you...again."

Len grinned, "Taking notes on Mt. Lady?"

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