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Lenora didn't waste a day and communicated the news the morning after, shocking her classmates at 6 am

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Lenora didn't waste a day and communicated the news the morning after, shocking her classmates at 6 am.

"I can't deal with this before breakfast, gimme a moment", Mina yawned, squinting her eyes.

Kirishima, Denki, Sero, and most of them agreed, while people who woke up at 4 to train were speechless.

"Lenora! I'm so sorry for the new information we acquired! You must know we'll be on your side despite the tragedy of this!", Iida tried to comfort her with a robotic pat on the back.

"I know what it feels like having family trouble, so if you need anything or...just a friend, you know where to find me", Shoto was the most understanding, offering her both a shoulder to cry on and also to do shopping online with him and his dad's stolen credit card.

Len didn't question him further, accepting the help and giving him a bear hug that he awkwardly returned.

Tokoyami poured her a large cup of hot milk with honey, remembering how Bakugou did that when she was feeling down the week prior, "Cheer up, Lenora. Stop loving someone you cared for all this year doesn't require one night. You'll heal and we'll help you do it."

Uraraka, Tsu, Momo, and Hagakure accompanied the milk with fresh pancakes with chocolate and nuts topics, sitting down beside her at the table.

"We're here for you, Len-chan," Ochaco raised her orange juice glass, smiling, "right, guys?"

The girls were the first to raise their glasses, and soon the rest of the class followed, lifting any kind of cups and mugs and some chopsticks. Izuku was smiling with his coffee cup in his hand, waving at her from the opposite side of the table, while Katsuki was gulping down his water, pretending it was a total coincidence the fact that there was a toast going on.

Lenora gave them a toothy smile, her milk high, "What would I do without you?"

Denki placed a hand on his heart, "Oh, my dear, your life would be as dark as the darkest night!", he dramatically played.

Kyoka's ear jack attacked Denki in an instant, "Shut your stupid mouth, Kaminari!"

"What did I do this time?"

Sero snickered, "I think your breathing is enough to piss her off."

Shoto slurped his noodles, leaning toward Sero, "But I thought they were a couple too."

Mina gasped so loud that Uraraka got scared and her cookie fell on her juice, splashing her face.

Izuku panicked, "Todoroki! You can't just say something like this before being sure!"

"I was sure."

Kyoka and Denki's faces were both red from embarrassment but that didn't stop the teasing. The targeted girl started sinking more and more, heading under the table, until a loud voice stopped everyone.

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