A soldier

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All Might congratulated them after the lesson, proud of his students

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All Might congratulated them after the lesson, proud of his students.

"You all did a good job for your first training!"

"To have such a proper class after Mr. Aizawa's, it's kind of anticlimactic..."

Everyone nodded at Tsu's words, which resume perfectly their first two day as heroes in training.

All Might be beyond happy, "We're free to have proper classes, as well!", he then raised one arm, preparing to leave, "Well then, I must review the results with young Midoriya! Change and return to the classroom!"

Before Lenora could ask more about Izuku's condition, the hero sprinted away, making it impossible to follow him.

"All Might's amazing!"

"Why was he in such a hurry?"

"So cool..."

Guess I'll wait till the end of classes...

It was late afternoon when Izuku returned to class, his arm in a cast and half of his costume burnt down.

"Oh, Midoriya's here!", Kirishima called him.

Lenora jumped from her seat, reaching her friend. She squeezed him in her arms, making him wince in pain.

"Len, you're suffocating me!"

"I don't care! I was so worried!", she let him go, placing her hands on his shoulders, "How are you, bud?"

He couldn't answer though; Mina made his way toward him, smiling.

"Good work!"

Kirishima jogged to them too, smiling, "Man, I don't know what you were saying during the match, but you were fired up!"

"I can't believe you fought evenly with Bakugou, who was first in the entrance exam!", Sero added.

Izuku couldn't believe his ears. After years of bullies and being called 'quirkless' he was finally reamending himself.

"You did a good job dodging!", Mina kept going.

As the trio also Aoyama and Sato wanted to compliment Izuku, leaving him flustered. They all started to introduce themselves, making Izuku start to panic. Lenora giggled.

"Alright, I'll leave you with your fans! I'm gonna pack my stuff!", the girl ruffled his hair, making her way to her desk.

Len noticed just at that moment that someone was missing. She looked out the big windows, noticing Bakugou leaving the school. She quickly shoved her bag up her shoulders and ran, pushing her classmates out of the way.

"Izuku, quick, Katsuki's leaving!", she pushed him out of the class. After those words, Izuku started to run faster than her, descending the stairs at incredible speed.

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