Hero too!

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Lenora was sweating

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Lenora was sweating. She just finished braiding Nejire's hair just to be met with the fact that Izuku wasn't still back from the store.

"Where the fuck is Izuku?!", she yelled, shaking Iida, "Wasn't he supposed to go buy a rope?! THEN WHERE THE FUCK HE WENT? TO FUCKING FRANCE, HUH?!"

Iida's glasses dangerously trembled on his nose, "This language is utterly..."


And also couldn't stop rocking back and forth with the poor class rep, wrinkling all his pretty dance costume. That morning the School Festival started and their concert was in less than thirty minutes and Izuku wasn't there. He just had to buy a new rope for Aoyama but it seemed something went utterly wrong in that process.

Mina, Ochaco, and Tsu came to rescue Iida, pushing the boy away from Len's solid grip and hugging her instead, trying to calm her down.

"You know he's clumsy! Maybe he tripped and fell, so now he's at Recovery Girl's office getting stitched up!", Mina made the first temptation, almost killing Len. Her face went pale and the girls were sure she was about to throw up.

"Tripped and FELL?!"

Ochaco raised her arms, "NO! NO! Let's calm down! He probably found a long waiting line at the store, right? Right?", the girl was even more anxious than Len, so Mina and Tsu just took a step back, afraid they may be unleashing two beasts.

"Girls, don't stress out, he'll be here soon, ribbit", Tsu gave them her signature smile and Len sighed loudly, finishing fixing her skirt.

"I'm going looking for him", she decided, stomping toward the exit of the classroom, not caring about Mina's shouts.

Len ran around the whole school, desperately, her sixth sense hitting hard than ever more she got closer to the front exit. What was happening? Was Izuku in danger? No, impossible.

Or was it possible?

Moving her legs faster she didn't notice Aizawa on the opposite side of the corner she was turning, partially knocking him off.

"I'M SO SORRY, MR. AIZAWA!", she tried to help him but in the end was the man who helped her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"He's here and he's fine", he reassured her. Len frowned asking herself if her teacher could read minds.

"No, I can't read mind."

Lenora's eyes widened, shocked, "HOW?!"

Aizawa rubbed his temples, "Your eyes can't hide anything, you're an open book, kid."

Tsking, Lenora rolled her eyes, "I can be mysterious if I want!"

"No, you can't."

"What about..."

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