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"The Hero Work-Studies is the most serious version of your internships

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"The Hero Work-Studies is the most serious version of your internships. Your teachers and the principal discuss them and we all agree it's too soon, and they should be canceled", Aizawa announced that morning, putting everyone in a sour mood.

Well, expect Katsuki, who jumped from his seat, mocking them.

Lenora flipped him off, "Stop being an ass and think about taking that damn license, loser!"

He ignored her. Again.

It was two days he was ignoring her, for reasons she couldn't understand. It seemed like its mind was up to something that he still had to figure out before sorting it out, and Len wasn't a pushy type. She just missed her friend.

"But," of course, Aizawa wasn't finished, "some people think we won't be able to raise strong heroes with that sort of protective outlook, and with that in mind, the compromise is to be selective about participating agencies. So, choose one with a proven track record otherwise you won't be taking part."

Lenora thought about that for the next few days, watching how Izuku was accepted by Sir. Nighteye Agency in no time, feeling both proud and jealous.

"I'm so damn proud of you."

It was the weekend and Len was laying on the couch, her legs above Izuku's lap, the boy rubbing her bandaged foot, trying to relax her.

"Yeah Midoriya, good job! You're an example to us all", Iida congratulated him, smiling.

"That's awesome!", Mina clapped her hands, happy for her friend.

Denki made his way to the group, his hand behind his head, smiling, "I didn't know we were competing, though."

"You'll be working at Sir. Nighteye Agency! That's seriously amazing!", Sero complimented Izuku, making him smile.

"Also, you got Togata recommended you!", Eijiro added.

"Pretty impressive man!", Sato popped another chip into his mouth, smiling at the green-haired boy.

Uraraka sighed, "I wish I had a place picked out. The school said Gunhead has already enough interns so his agency is a no-go", the girl placed her elbow on her knees, her head slumped on her palms.

"I wanted to go to Selkie but he was packed too", pondered Tsu.

"Yeah, neither Fourth Kind. He didn't accept students for work-studies", Kirishima stretched on the couch where Lenora was lying, gripping one of her braids just to play with it.

Len sighed, "If Mirko wouldn't be overseas for the rest of the month she would've taken me, damn it. Now I have no ideas."

Izuku squeezed her toes, muttering an 'I'm sorry' and making Len send him a kiss.

Sero leaned against the other couch, "The teachers aren't making this easy for us, mh?"

"Thanks to all these requirements tons of agencies are ruled out of the bans", Denki complained.

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