Chapter 1: Full Moon

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Tonight was a cold night with a very bright moon shining down on everything. Kermit wanted the band to perform for something tonight but he was surprised when the band turned it down. “You guys don’t want to perform tonight” asked the frog with a surprised look on his face. “Yeah, we can’t do it tonight” replied Floyd as he rubbed the back of his head. “May I ask why?” asked Kermit. “The doc said that we just couldn’t do it tonight, serious business.” replied the red haired male. “Alright, I guess.” replied the frog with a unsure tone in his voice. “Thanks man” replied Floyd as he waved Kermit goodbye for the night. He walked out to the band’s van and got inside the van. “I’m back” said the red haired male as he got seated next to Janice. “Like how it goes?” asked Janice with a soft smile on her face. “It went well even though I felt like the frog didn’t believe me,” replied Floyd. “At least it works” replied the blond female before she gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. “We better get going,” interrupted Dr. Teeth as he started to drive out of the parking lot. “We wouldn’t want anyone to know our little secret,” said the good doctor as they went down the road. “Yeah but why can’t we show them what we really are?” replied the red-haired male. “Do you think that they would be okay with a werewolf or any type of wereanimal that is large and strong? It’s better that we keep it hidden from them for their and our safety.” replied Teeth with a dark tone in his normal chill voice. Floyd didn’t say anything after that, he wanted to say something to that statement but didn’t. It’s true, they would be scared of the band if they reveal their secret. They probably wouldn’t be scared of Janice or maybe Zoot since they are wereanimals that are the calm ones in the werelist. Janice is a weredeer which is harmless to anyone and also beautiful. Zoot is a weresloth which is slow or lazy to people even though they can cause some harm to defend themselves from danger. Also the fact that their forms are of herbivores. He knows that the rest of them would be the ones that people would be terrified of. Himself was a werewolf, a gray wolf one. His is common among the werelist around areas. Animal is a werenewfoundland, a type of weredog. He is like a puppy in his form and mostly wants to play with everything. Lips is a werelion but the band knows that he wouldn’t dare to think to cause harm to anything or anyone. Teeth is a werecheshirecat which is rare since in the werelist, it would mean that he is higher on the level compared to other wereanimals. Even though the good doctor is chill, something makes Floyd uncomfortable when the band leader is in his form. His form is the largest in the band and most aggressive sometimes. Hours passed before they got home, the band got inside and headed up to their room for their transformation into their wereforms. Floyd and Janice always are in the same room since the red-haired male would comfort his lover as she transforms first then she would comfort him too. “Like hun, this is going to hurt a lot, '' said Janice with a sad tone in her voice. “I know baby, but we can handle it” replied Floyd as he gave his lover a soft kiss on the cheek. “Thanks, hun” replied the blonde female. They both got into the room and shut the door behind them. Janice let out a groan as she felt it coming. Some fur slowly started to grow on her body, some were a lighter color to her normal color. Her ears slowly start to grow into deer like ears. She let out some quick breaths as some sounds of bones breaking slowly filled the air of the room. “It hurts” said Janice as she hugged Floyd for comfort through the pain of the transformation. “I know, I know” replied Floyd as he comforted his lover as her legs turned to deer like legs. Her fingertips turn into hoof-like tips, her feet turn into hoofs of those of a deer. She started to shake as her head slowly started to turn into a more deer-like. Janice let out a long, tired breath of hot air after the transformation. “See, you’re good now” said Floyd as he gave her a soft kiss on the forehead. “Like thanks hun, but now it's your turn” replied the blonde deer as she looked at her lover. “I know but I have you here though to help me through it” replied the red haired male before fur started to grow slowly on him. His ears turned to wolf ears and his eyes had a pinkish pupil  to it. A tail slowly started to grow out. Bones crack and pop as his body reforms to a more wolf like form. Sharp claws grow from his finger nail and from his toe nail. His back slowly goes to a small hump with a large amount of fur covering it. Then his head slowly forms to a more wolf-like shape with sharp fangs sticking out of his mouth. Floyd let out a small growl then looked up to Janice who was petting his head like a dog. He rubbed his head to the deer’s paw to get her to rub the back of his wolf ears. “Aww, you’re like a puppy” said Janice with a soft smile on her face. Then there was a knock on the door, Floyd walked over there on his hind legs and opened the door to see Zoot. The saxophonist was in his weresloth form which was still small to the werewolf. Dark blue marks cover the fur of the sloth and around his eyes but are hidden by the shades. Long claws cover the hand and feet of the blue fur male which Floyd knows that they cause some damage. He learned that first hand after picking on the small mammal for being the smallest of them all. Zoot only caught the middle part of the werewolf’s tail which left a bad cut that healed over a few months. “What do you need?” asked Floyd as he looked down at the sloth. “The doc wants everyone downstairs for tonight’s plan in our forms” replied Zoot before he walked away. “Come on Janice, Teeth wants to have a meeting downstairs” said the pink werewolf to his blonde deer lover. “Like ok” replied Janice as she followed Floyd downstairs for the meeting. Zoot was laying on the couch like a lazy cat on a Sunday morning. Lips was sitting on the floor looking out of the window which the moonlight made the werelion’s mane look gold as the good doctor’s tooth. Animal was chewing on a bone that he found some nights ago, moving his tail back and forward like a happy puppy with a chew toy. Meanwhile, Teeth was in the middle of the living room waiting on the deer and wolf to find a seat on the floor. The large feline had his tail moving slowly which was creepy like to the pink werewolf as he sat down next to the werenewfoundland who wasn’t paying attention to anything around him. Janice sat next to him, waiting for the large cheshire cat to start his meeting. “Welcome everyone to tonight’s meeting, I’m just going over the rules before we head to the woods for a werefun. Number one, no hunting any animal or starting a fight. Two, don’t let anyone see you at any point of the night. Three, No fighting with each other too. Do I make myself clear?” said the large cat as he looked down at the other wereanimals. “Yeah” replied the wereanimals. “Good, Let’s go out and have some fun for the night, '' replied Teeth as he stood up from his spot on the floor. Everyone heads out of the back door of the mayhem’s house and heads to the woods. Zoot was walking to the entrance of the woods but he stopped when he noticed Teeth and Lips walking to a different way than the rest of them. The sloth decides to follow the two felines and see what is up.

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