Chapter 71 - 80

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Chapter 71 Reality: Textbook Clearance Method

    [I don't talk about the power of the tsunami, I believe everyone understands it.

    I flipped through it just now, the customs clearance basically depends on luck, and there are many lucky people who were not killed by the waves or foreign objects in the water.

    Now let me tell you about Gaowan's textbook-style self-help. ]

    The poster of this post is very arrogant, and there are many people dissing him under the post.

    [1L: Look at the tone of the poster, I want to hit someone. ]

    [2L: You are not alone upstairs. ]

    [3L: It's too annoying, but I really want to see how Gaowan clears the level. ]


    Fu An'an skipped the reply below, and skipped directly to the host's next speech.

    [The biggest difference between Gao Wan and me and other farts is to plan ahead.

    Do you dare to believe that Gao Wan predicted the tsunami before, and the city government building actually has a hidden setting, a top-secret safe house.

    But the safe house only appears after low tide.

    On the afternoon of the twenty-seventh day, the boss took me in immediately after the tide ebbed and successfully escaped the tsunami.

    The oxygen supply device and materials inside are enough for six to seven people to last for about ten days. ]

    [123L: High play is high play, who would know that there is a safe house in the city hall building. ]

    [124L: That's right, the safe house is ridiculous. ]


    [146L: It's more reliable to hit the big luck. ]

    Fu Anan was also puzzled, how to find the safe house, fortunately the host answered below.

    [If you can’t find out, you are stupid.

    The information of the safe house is in the information of the Security Bureau on the highest floor of the building, just look it up and you can find it.

    And according to Gao Wan's speculation, in addition to the city hall, there should be safe houses in other places, such as the most typical Lorenbe Hotel, as well as hospitals, police stations, and Beaver City No. 5 Middle School (shelter).

    According to Gao Wan, in addition to the initial prompts, the game will provide clearance information in various details, and it is impossible to have a fatal ending. ]

    The original customs clearance method is like this.

    Fu An'an recalled for a while, he didn't pay attention halfway, if he hadn't met the krypton gold boss, it was unlikely that he could escape the last wave.

    Thinking of Fu An'an, he looked at the last message from the host of the post -

    [Xinnan is here to contribute his valuable experience, hoping to accumulate blessings for the next game, and to meet the hired Gao Wan. ]

    Hire Gao Wan?

    Fu Anan glanced at it, not quite understanding what it meant.

    Then I checked in the forum and found that I couldn't find any relevant information.

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