Chapter 661 - 670

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  Chapter 661 Assessment Game 43
  People in the village live a hard life, but these centuries-old houses are well-maintained and exquisite.

  The village head enshrines a model of the tulou, and every household has a shrine for it.

  When Wang Ziyi and the others were pregnant, they were extremely obsessed with Tulou. She even took off her clothes and pressed her body tightly against it, which made her think that they were mentally abnormal.


  Thinking about it carefully, these little details make people terrified.

  The most obvious places are often the most overlooked.

  If it's really what she imagined...

  Fu An'an looked at her hand holding the railing of the tulou, and suddenly an inexplicable dizziness came, and her eyes looking at the tulou became free and confused. Until a cold touch woke her up, and when she realized it, she actually pressed her face against the railing. The most important thing is that at that moment, she felt that she was not sticking to the railing, but the railing was touching her face!
  The dense, moist and disgusting feeling spread from the cheeks to the brain, making the scalp numb.

  Fu An'an hurriedly took two steps back and looked at the whole tulou.

  An antique building that has been around for hundreds of years and can accommodate more than 500 people.

  How can such an NPC "kill"?
  Use fire?
  Fu An'an looked at the burning man who was blocked downstairs...

  forget it.

  Torn it down?
  She hit it twice with a hammer, but the wall didn't come off.

  The old antique was terribly strong.

  Moreover, when she was beating the tulou, the burning people who had been stopped on the fourth floor started to riot. They cleared the obstacles and rushed towards Fu An'an.

  These things came like a tidal wave.

  There is a high wall behind, and there is no place to retreat.

  The only way to resist these Burning Men is to keep moving them into the space. In this extremely short period of time, a large amount of Burning Man residues piled up in the originally empty and spacious space, like a small hill.

  This approach also treats the symptoms rather than the root cause.

  The last NPC is the key to the game at this point.

  what to do?
  Fu Anan looked at his hands, and at this moment a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared. She poured out all the black ash in the space and piled it in front of her. She also took out all the hoes, kitchen knives, shovels, and rakes inside to clean up the space.

  Then she pressed her hands to the wall.

  When she got the spatial ability, the game system's commercial introduction said "If you can fit it, the world is yours".

  Then it's not too much for her to accept a tulou.

  Fu Anan was also upset about installing such a large earthen building, so she found an excuse to comfort herself.

  It's not just a question of whether to pretend or not.

  The Pyro men behind were not cleared, they had rushed over.

  With their distractions, there is simply no time to try.

  She thought of her beautiful skin.

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