Chapter 441 - 450

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  Chapter 441 Geysers National Park 25
  From noon to evening and into night.

  People were passing their cars all the time.

  People no longer have the mood and energy to talk and laugh, and they carry heavy burdens and their steps are equally heavy.

  No matter how heavy your footsteps are, you can't wake up a sleeping person.

  Until someone pinches her face.

  "Wake up."

  "Oh!" Fu Anan waved her hands in front of her and buried her face, "You let me sleep."

  In order to maintain a good Chuhe Han boundary with Fu's father, she has not had a good rest for a long time.

  "It will be dawn if you don't get up again."

  A familiar voice came from above, as cold as ever, with a hint of connivance.

  But Fu An'an, she only heard authority!
  He opened his eyes abruptly,
  and there was a fart of Chuhe Hanjie.

  His big head was pressing on Father Fu's arm, and one leg was arrogantly resting on his thigh.

  "Brother Fu, I'm sorry!"

  Fu Anan sat up quickly and said.

  "You know you're getting up late, so hurry up."

  Fu Yizhi got out of the car first, and stood at the door looking at her.

  But that's not what she was talking about.

  Father Fu's answer was wrong, but she chose to forgive him.

  With that out of the way, they're ready to hit the road!

  It is now the thirteenth day of the game, at three o'clock in the morning.

  It was pitch black outside, no matter how urgent it was, no one would choose to rush at this time.

  The temperature has been getting lower and lower these two days.

  Especially now, probably only five or six degrees.

  Although it is not as good as having a round of ice and snow games, it is already very cold.

  The moment Fu Anan came out, he quickly took out the padded jacket he had prepared earlier.

  One for each, donning gloves and a hat, before stowing the car into the space.

  The space occupied by a car is not so large. In order to fit two cars, even Fu An'an, the supplies that were originally placed in the space, were stuffed into the car compartment before they could be put in.

  After doing this, she was already frozen to death.

  Fu Yizhi looked at her shivering, "Is it that cold?"

  "It's cold."

  Fu Anan nodded seriously. She has been afraid of cold since she was a child.

  "Brother Fu, let's go quickly."

  She urged impatiently.

  It's not cold when you move.

  Fu Yizhi glanced at her, and then took off the scarf around her neck.

  Wrap her around her twice, covering her ears and face.

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