Chapter 91 - 100

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Chapter 91: Under the Sky 15 (Revised)

    At the meeting, 20,000 people gathered together, and there was a huge crowd of people for a while.

    It is worthy of Fu An'an's attention that the surrounding policemen are all carrying guns - real guns and live ammunition.

    The content of the conference is mainly about the public security issues in the town, food issues and the resettlement of tourists.

    The middle-aged bureau chief was eloquent on stage, and the people below kept asking questions.

    However, it seems that the director came prepared, and everyone answered well. It is undeniable that the director is very good, and he has controlled the overall situation in a short time. This is a good thing for their survival players.

    In the end, he also called on everyone to actively donate the excess medicine and gasoline at home.

    Before the survey plane fell, many more patients were injured in the hospital, and now the hospital is running out of medicines.

    Gasoline is used for police patrols.

    People in the small town pieced together a small batch of medicine and a dozen barrels of gasoline.

    Today is the sixth day of the game.

    It was really the first time I saw such a peaceful and quiet sixth day.

    Standing on the square, Fu An'an couldn't help sighing.

    After the meeting, the two drove back.

    Fu An'an lay on the car window and looked outside. Without someone to take care of the originally delicate flowers, large areas of them withered and fell into the soil to wither and rot.

    On the road, the leaves of the evergreen trees that were originally used for viewing were withered and yellow, and the leaves fell all over the road.

    "Brother Fu, do you feel that these plants are lifeless?"

    "The transparent cover covering the town may have some influence on these plants."

    After Fu Yizhi finished speaking, he seemed to think of something, and the steering wheel turned in the opposite direction of returning to the villa. .

    In the shopping mall, the shops selling and selling food exploded.

    No one cares about the small shop that sells air.

    "The trouble is to get twenty cans of compressed air." Fu Yizhi said, which surprised the drowsy shopkeeper.

    Everyone else buys food, but the two of them buy air independently.

    Attracted the attention of many people.

    However, Fu Yizhi wore a mask and sunglasses the whole time, so he didn't show his face at all.

    Put on the air can and walk away.

    She bought the air tank because she was knocked down. Why did Fu Yizhi buy the air tank?

    Fu An'an looked at the yellow jar behind, "Brother Fu, do you think this game has something to do with the air?" "

    Not necessarily, just make one more preparation."

    Fu Yizhi replied.

    That's right, it doesn't cost much.


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