Chapter 1181 - 1190

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  Chapter 1181 The City Where the Sun Never Sets 50
  Lu Shen also laughed when he heard this.

  The plan that Fu An'an said is easy to realize in her hands.

  Not to mention whether those people would believe what they said, just the materials she had collected in the space just now were enough to drive the refugees outside to do anything.


  Lu Shen couldn't help but praise her.

  Not just smart, but super lucky.

  "There are still a few days left. We need to find a spokesperson who is dignified enough to gather most of the refugees."

  Fu An'an made an outline, and a more detailed plan appeared in Lu Shen's mind.

  Finding a charismatic person is more authentic and reliable than making refugees trust themselves in a short time.

  Making up their minds, they headed towards the targeted refugee pile.

  Death, despair, and pain

  are numb to people's eyes.

  When seeing them coming in, some eyes fell on the two of them. Rather than curiosity, it's more like looking at food.

  "I can feel their desire to survive."

  Fu An'an said solemnly as he patrolled around with his hands behind his back.

  She is very reliable in big things, but she is a bit guilty of small things.

  Lu Shen looked at her speechlessly, and then turned his attention to these refugees. After walking around for a long time, he really saw something.

  "These NPCs live very scatteredly, and there are also tribal groups, but they are basically very small."

  These improvised small groups can instantly see the problem.

  Although they are not far away, they are all in charge of their own affairs.

  There are basically one or two people with prestige and status in the small group, but it is precisely because of this that it is difficult to find someone who can convince 80%... no, 70% of the refugees.

  Don't be afraid of the old, weak, sick and disabled, just be afraid of a mess of loose sand.

  "Let's stand up on our own."

  Fu An'an also saw something, and found that a person who can lead these refugees is a bit like fishing for moons in water.

  If you can't find someone, come by yourself.

  Show kindness first, then stand up.

  A successful person always prepares a set of preparation plans for himself when doing things.

  Looking around, they are all NPCs struggling on the survival line, waiting for their rescue.

  At this time, in a low tent, a child's hoarse cry sounded.

  Hearing the voice, Fu An'an walked towards that place quickly, bent over to probe, and was almost beheaded by the falling machete.

  This desire to survive is really awesome!
  Fortunately, the head retracted quickly enough, otherwise it would have to be reopened.

  The person crying inside was an eleven or twelve-year-old half-child. He saw Fu Anan holding a machete in front of him, and his voice rose instantly, "Get out immediately!"

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