Chapter 551 - 560

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  Chapter 551 Melting 4
  Being treated so differently by the boss, the girl's expression became a little uneasy.

  She stood by and stared at Fu Anan, "What are you looking at?"

  Fu Anan was taken aback when she heard the words, but she didn't care too much about her words, "I just want to suggest you, if you are short of money, you can find a job

  . It’s most suitable for food and lodging.”

  I bought 5,000 yuan of supplies in the canteen.

  There is a high probability that it is something that players only do,

  so she remembered the time when she was still a pauper.

  It is inevitable that because of the emotion, I want to remind her.

  Credit or something has the meaning of empty gloves and white wolves.

  Others are not fools.

  Those who are willing to borrow money are not good stubble.

  Risky and inappropriate.

  But the girl didn't appreciate it, and even gave her a blank look, "Do you care what I do? You don't lend me money.

  Fake kindness."

  She muttered a curse word in her mouth.

  The boss of Banshui next to him was stunned when he heard it,
  "Hey, what are you doing like this girl? Just ignore others' kindness, and curse at them."

  Fu Anan looked over along the way.

  "Just scold me, what else can you do to me?"

  The girl spat at the boss again, and then ran away quickly.

  "Hey, don't run away!"

  The boss rolled up his sleeves angrily,

  "Damn girl!"

  Fu Anan looked at the direction she was running, and at the corner, there were two young men meeting her.

  Probably a gang.

  After the girl hid in the corner, two men were looking up at the small shop.

  "Forget it, boss."

  Fu Anan waved his hand,

  "Do you live at night?"

  Boss: "No, my house is in the opposite neighborhood."


  Fu Anan nodded,

  "Then remember to lock the doors and windows at night , The public security is not very good recently."

  "It must be locked."

  The man nodded, deeply agreeing with what Fu Anan said,

  "A relative of mine sent a message in the group today saying that she just took the money from the bank this morning. , It was all stolen."


  After getting the affirmative answer from the boss, Fu Anan frowned.

  The last box of mineral water was put into the trunk. She gave enough money and said thank you to the boss, and then walked away.

  The sun is about to set.

  The evening of the next day is coming soon.

  Fu An'an still had one very important thing unprepared--weapons.

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