Chapter 1461 - 1470

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  Chapter 1461 Preparations - Robbery Plan 12
  160, 260, and 1160 are all written.

  Everyone was simply getting the answer, only Fu Anan was meditating on the spot.

  [Master, this mirror is 60 yuan! ]

  The super management system intimately told Fu An'an the correct answer, but this was not what she cared about.

  Fu Anan held the written answer and rushed towards the pandaren like a monkey, jumping to the high platform hosted by the pandaren.

  The two looked at each other, seeing shock in each other's eyes.

  Fu An'an: Oh my god, pandaren are really ugly!
  Planklulu: "This customer, what are you doing?"

  "Are you the only one in the whole mall?"

  "That's right! This round was taken over by Planklulu..."

  Before he finished speaking, Fu An'an had already punched him.

  "I'm the host!"

  Plan Krulu wanted to fight back.

  "He's alone!"

  Fu An'an yelled at the NPC below who wanted to escape.

  "Yes, he is alone!"

  The first NPC responded.

  "Brother, he is alone!"

  The three NPCs responded.

  "Guys, he is alone!"

  A large group of people responded.

  Then someone picked up items that could be used as weapons in the shopping mall. Without a weapon, they used their bare hands, turned fear into anger, and hit the host with a hammer.

  "Are you crazy?"

  "I'm Prang Krulu!"

  Never before have only bosses bullied ordinary people and players, this is the first time the situation has been reversed.

  For a while, the ordinary NPCs were happy, and the players were stunned. Fu Yizhi, who arrived a little later, was lost in thought when he saw the scene in front of him.

  Among the crowd, he found the one who beat the boss the most.

  Taking Fu An'an out, her coat was torn, and the balls she was wearing had already fallen off, and someone's fingernails had scratched the bridge of her nose. She deserved to be the most vicious beating.

  Oh, and there's an autistic one -- an overrunning system.

  Although the super tube system has long been torn apart from the survival system, it has always believed that survival games are the most perfect technological products.

  Until today, Fu Anan made a bug!

  As a game boss, is the survival system so reluctant to assign hundreds of bodyguards to others?
  That's how he was beaten.

  Just get beaten like this!
  In vain, it tried its best to collect players who were ready to start the game from among the few ultra-many players. As a result, it didn't need to perform at all, and Fu An'an almost passed the level on the first day.

  And Prang Krulu—— is the man who will be recorded in the history of the game forever!
  Fu Yizhi absorbed the energy of another world, and the sound of clearing the game came from his ears.

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