Chapter 621 - 630

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  Chapter 621 Assessment Game 3
  The house is well preserved.

  But the standard of living is particularly low.

  The quilts on the bed were all blackened, and the sheets were full of holes from hanging silk. Two people share a room, except for two beds, there is only a small table that has been eaten by moths.

  Living with Fu Anan was a girl with short hair.

  At this time, she was turning on the light of the mobile phone and changing the dirty sheets on the bed.

  "The lighting in this place is poor."

  The short-haired woman complained casually.

  Not only is the lighting bad, but there is no electricity. There were two candles in the room, which apparently could only be used for light at night.

  "I don't know if charging can be done in other places."

  As she spoke, she looked at Fu Anan, "Hey, my name is Yu Xiaojun. I major in education and just graduated this year. What about you?" "

  My name is Fu Xiaoyuan."

  Suddenly called, Fu Anan An An made up an answer in a good manner,
  "I just had a sudden idea, hoping to help more people through teaching support." "

  That's right."

  Yu Xiaojun nodded when she heard the words, so that's the case.

  Because of the special nature of this round of the game, Fu An'an didn't plan to find allies, and didn't have to rack his brains to find topics, and made up his mind to prepare for a single player.

  The room fell silent until a voice came from outside.

  time to eat.

  The gongs and drums are beating below to call for dinner.

  In the large circular courtyard surrounded by earth buildings, there is an open-air dining table.

  The high platform made of bamboo and wood is a full two meters above the ground. You need to walk up the stairs for dinner.

  Fu Anan went down along the way, reached out and touched these emerald green and smooth bamboos——

  Fresh, this table has just been made.

  Move your gaze forward.

  On the table were cabbage, mustard, and two plates of wild vegetables she didn't recognize. The only meat dish on the table was gray looking meat.

  "Everyone, sit down."

  The village chief warmly invited them to sit down,
  "There is nothing to entertain everyone in the village, don't mind."

  Fu An'an found a seat and sat down, looking into the building ahead.

  The octagonal earthen building surrounded the courtyard, and there was an extension of a corridor inward, which was full of people at this time.

  These people stood inside the railing, looking at them with their heads raised, as if they were watching animals.

  There were noisy voices from all around, these people were discussing loudly. Occasionally, I heard a sentence or two that are clear, but I don't understand the meaning of their local dialect.

  "What are they looking at?"

  Apart from Fu An'an, of course there were others who couldn't stand it either.

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