Chapter 811 - 820

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  Chapter 811 Nierid 46 (End)

  In the second after the huge monster died, all the resurrected murlocs on the sea died.

  The monster fell into the deep sea, and Fu Anan's consciousness also fell into the abyss.

  In reality, Fu Yi, who was thinking about how to deal with the large number of refugees in City S, felt his bracelet burn, and then fell dizzy for a while, and fell onto the table unexpectedly.

  "Master Fu!"

  Seeing his situation, a group of people stretched out their hands towards Fu Yizhi.

  Fu Yizhi stood up, with a look of urgency on his expressionless face.

  "I'm fine, the meeting is suspended."

  After speaking, he left everyone behind and walked quickly to the fifth floor to open Fu An'an's room.

  It's empty inside!
  [Drip! Game copy checking. 】

  【Drip! The copy of the game is under evaluation. 】

  【Drip! Survival game big data calculation error, wrong data uploading. ]


  Fu Anan was woken up by noises in her ears. When she opened her eyes, she was surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness, apparently she had returned to the familiar metaspace of the game.

  Actually came back!
  She was a little surprised at first.

  Because it was said at the beginning of the game that two conditions must be met in order to pass the level.

  First: Kill the big boss
  Second: Stay in the game for fifteen days.
  She completed the first one, but not the second one.

  At that time, there were still four hours before the end of the game, and she used a total of three water-proof beads (one was redeemed by herself with points.)
  Each water-proof beads can be used for 20 minutes, and they add up to only one water-proof bead. Hour.

  Since she wasn't mistaken,

  the game made a mistake.

  The noise-like broadcast of the survival system was intermittent, and the word "error" appeared twice in total!
  Fu An'an suddenly became energetic, and looked at the blank space of Yuan space with piercing eyes.

  "Why? Did you make a mistake?"

  The original cold mechanical sound stopped suddenly, and the system pretended that it was not there.

  "Let me just say, that BOSS is so powerful that ants eat elephants! It's almost 99% sure to die!"

  Not to mention the beginning, where the BOSS is hard to find.

  In the last few hours, if she hadn't reacted suddenly, if she hadn't used her spatial ability to two-dimensionalize one of the boss's eyes, if she hadn't gone shit luck to suddenly activate the Amos ring 100% One function.

  Then she would be dead.

  Oh no!

  Even so, she would change her life for another.

  After killing the boss, the senses, memories, and emotions of the whole body were gradually lost, and the feeling of consciousness dissipated recalled a deep emptiness and fear.

  And according to the second rule of the game, she doesn't count as clearing the level!

  "As a system in charge of the rules of the game, you are such a joke!"

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