Chapter 81 - 90

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Chapter 81 Under the Sky 5

    Fu An'an stretched out her head and looked towards the sky.

    The sparrows in the small town flew away in large numbers.

    "Put your head in." Fu Yizhi pulled him into the car, "Fasten your seat belt." "


    Fu Anan sat down obediently, "Brother Fu, the name of this game is Under the Sky. Could it be related?"

    "I've thought about it, but I don't have a clue yet." "

    Then you said it might be a meteorite or something?" Fu Anan guessed from the side, "Hail from the sky is also possible.

    Brother Fu, you said we Do you want to stockpile something like a padded jacket?

    Or a fire extinguisher?

    You can use it if there is a fire. But it     ’s

    best not to stock up too much.

He kept chattering, and listened quietly by himself.

    Fu Yizhi didn't even realize that he was almost immune to Fu Anan's words.

    The wheels ran over the fallen flowers on the side of the road and drove towards the center of the town. A wild goose was flying high above their heads. It seemed to hit something and fell from the high altitude, just falling on the front window of the vehicle behind. superior.

    The car window was smashed with a big hole.

    The geese are almost turned into meat paste.

    The owner of the car stopped, looked at such a thrilling and disgusting scene, yelled at the side of the road, said it was bad luck, and called someone to tow the car.

    ##     The sun is still shining brightly

    on the third day .     In this small town full of birds and flowers, people can't relax.     The supplies were almost collected in the past two days, what is needed now is to collect available information and find space props.

    It's been three days, the space props won't be found by others, right?

    Fu An'an kept stirring the milk in the cup, a little dazed.

    "What are you thinking?"

    Fu Yizhi glanced at her, it was surprising that Fu Anan was so quiet.

    "I'm thinking about space props."

    Fu An Anshun said what he was thinking.

    "There is only one space item per round. Many people died in the game without seeing it, and some people got killed because of it.

    You can get it twice is already very good. Do you really think that you can monopolize it by luck? This prop?"

    Fu Yizhi said as he picked up the town newspaper, "Instead of thinking about luck, it's better to use your brain and train more to enhance your strength."

    Fu Anan twitched, anyway, it was Father Fu who was right.

    He snatched a newspaper from him, imitating how he looked at the newspapers in the small town.

    Small town newspapers, of course, report on small towns.

    The upper half of the page describes how beautiful the town is.

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