Chapter 291 - 300

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  Chapter 291 Breeding and Food 16
  Fu An An heard the words, but had no reaction.

  "I know you must be a player." Xiao Ai looked at Fu An'an and said,
  "Our goal is very simple, that is, everyone can go back alive, and an armband is not enough for us."

  Has someone cleared his mind?

  Fu Anan sat up straight, looked straight at the person in front of her, and motioned for her to continue talking.

  "Our greatest sincerity is to tell you our latest conjecture."

  Xiao Ai leaned forward slightly, and her voice suddenly became much quieter, "Look at us now, do you really miss the little white mice in the laboratory? "

  Speaking of which, Xiao Ai's tone paused slightly, "Do you know there is a psychologist named Pavlov?"

  Seeing Xiao Ai's pretending to be deep, Fu Anan asked cautiously and hesitantly, "Full name The one called 'Ivan Petrovich Pavlov'?"

  Xiao Ai choked up suddenly, foreigner names are so long, it's good to be able to remember the last four words, who cares what his first name is.

  "Anyway... Pavlov has a very classic theory called conditioned reflex."

  Fu An'an nodded upon hearing this, "I know that, but then?"

  "Pavlov did a quite famous experiment, he Taking advantage of the fact that dogs drool before seeing food or eating, they rang a bell before each feeding.

  Later, even if there was no food, as long as the bell rang, the dog would salivate unconsciously."

  Xiaoai looked at Fu An An quickly said, "Look, how similar this is to how we eat and work every day. It is

  likely that those monsters are observing our living habits under controlled conditions and conducting some evil human research.

  When unexpected In other cases, they will capture the target object and study it alone.

  What your armband says doesn't necessarily mean who's in focus. While they're good for you right now, it's not necessarily a good thing. "

  The first one is not necessarily correct, but she agrees with the last sentence.

  She has always felt that armbands are not necessarily a good thing.

  "Since you don't want this thing, why should we cooperate?" "

  Cooperation and cooperation must be due to the fact that the other party has something to gain.

  Fu Anan looked at Xiao Ai. This olive branch of friendship always has a reason to be handed over.

  "We want you to join because of your military strength. As soon as Xiao

  Ai's voice fell, Fu An'an almost choked on his saliva.

  "What, what?" "

  Xiao Ai said with a straight face,

  "You have also seen that although our team has a lot of people, they are all girls. The force value is always a little weaker than other player teams, and there is no one who can crush the whole field. "

  "You think I am this person? " ! "

  Fu An'an has always had a very clear positioning for herself:
  when playing with Brother Fu, she is a salted fish support who mixes experience, earns points, and seeks to win; when
  playing alone, she is the strongest NPC and the best dog in the game. Wang.

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