Chapter 721 - 730

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  Chapter 721 Reality 4
  He is thinking about Fu An'an, his mouth is dry because of Fu An'an, he is fascinated by Fu An'an...

  But Fu An'an is like a stubborn rock that cannot be boiled.

  Fu Yizhi hugged her waist with both hands, lifted her up to level with him, and pushed her high against the wall of the elevator.

  He is not making twists and turns hints, which will not wake up a little red apricot who wants to get out of the wall.

  "Fu Anan, I like you."

  The deep voice exploded in Fu Anan's ears like thunder.

  This is the first time Fu Yizhi expressed it directly. Calm and restrained, affectionate but like an earthquake covered by sea water, the surface is light and the clouds are calm, but the bottom is turbulent.

  Fu An'an's first reaction was to hide, and quickly covered his face with his hands.

  The faintly beating flame was completely extinguished after this evasive movement. The arms around her are slowly tightening.

  The next moment, Fu An'an's big head hit Fu Yizhi's shoulder not at all tenderly.

  Caught off guard and solid.

  Fu An'an turned her face down and covered her entire body, hiding her little expression.

  Because she didn't even expect it, when she heard those words suddenly, her emotion was not resistance, but joy without warning.

  It was as if... there was a flock of little birds chirping and chirping while stepping on her heart.

  "Fu, Brother Fu."

  Because he covered himself too tightly, his voice became muffled.


  Fu Yizhi stood there desolately, and the glass of the elevator behind Fu Anan was shattering silently.

  Maybe one more word...

  "Can you, can you say that one more time?"

  Fu Anan whispered, the tips of her ears were as red as a drop of blood.

  I just want those little birds to jump around for a while longer.

  As a result, she waited for a while, but there was no response from the other side.

  She promised too soon?
  Is it a little too frivolous?

  I know girls should be more reserved.

  Brother Fu won't go back on his word, will he?

  If she repents, will it affect her official career?

  Oops, where do I put this face?

  The little bird in my heart yelled "Duo Bamboo Shoots" and flew away cursing.

  Fu Anan slowly raised her head from Fu Yizhi's shoulder, wanting to observe Father Fu's expression at the moment. The next moment, the kiss came like a storm, with the madness of resurgent, wish-fulfilling.

  Fu Anan was pressed hard against the elevator wall, her calves tensed, and she passively accepted what he gave.

  Until the glass behind him couldn't bear the ravages of the two, there was a crisp sound.

  The glass was actually shattered! Fu Anan thought vaguely.

  The elevator dinged and the door opened.

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