Chapter 951 - 960

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Chapter 951 Shengchun First People's Hospital 8
  Who can stand this thing, Fu An'an almost suffocated.

  Fortunately, she didn't stay long.

  The hair was removed, there was a creaking sound at the door, and Chen Die went out.

  After waiting for a long time, Fu An'an opened his eyes.

  really gone.

  She was the only one left in the room, and the door was fully opened.

  And on the bed opposite her, there was a mobile phone that she wanted to steal before going to bed. On the blue and white bed sheet, the red shell of the mobile phone is particularly conspicuous. She only needs to stand up and take two steps to easily get the phone.


  What if Chen Die comes back?
  She glanced at the door of the room.

  Torn between getting out of bed and not getting out of bed, I finally chose to take the conservative route.

  Chen Die didn't look like a living person.

  If she died, according to the time in the diary, it should be after April 14th. Time is just an auxiliary information, there is no need to continue knowing the danger. She silently put her legs into the quilt, covered herself tightly, and hid herself in the barrier of the quilt.

  On the third day of the game,

  on the second day of the ordinary player, the ordinary player died.

  These are two people in Room 505 on the 5th floor.

  They seemed to have been wrung out of limbs and beaten to death. The appearance of the corpse was terrifying.

  At this time, the rest of the players gathered together. Some were checking the environment of the room, some were checking the corpse, and the NPCs of the hospital were standing not far away, waiting for them to finish their inspection and then deal with the corpse.

  Some people dared to talk to NPCs.

  He feigned anger, and approached a doctor and asked loudly, "What's going on in your hospital, don't you give our patients an explanation?"

  The man acted well and looked natural.

  "We are also very sorry. Our hospital will investigate seriously in the future and give everyone an explanation."

  At this time, Chen Die has recovered her appearance as a caring and gentle young lady, calming the emotions of this sick (playing) person (family).

  This player showed a relentless attitude, "How will we know how much later? You must at least tell us how he died, and show us the hospital's surveillance." He seemed to have identified

  Chen Die and asked her to take it. for more information.

  This desperate way of playing, is it true that Miss Chen Die doesn't hold grudges?
  Fu An'an was mixed with a pair of NPCs, expressionless and non-existent, more like NPCs than other NPCs. Only my heart is crazily complaining, little brother, the murderer is right in front of you!
  This group of players checked for a long time and found nothing.
  When the hospital took away the body, they gathered together.

  One of the middle-aged people spoke first, "Yang Jie, you live next door to them, did you hear anything at night   ?


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