Chapter 711 - 720

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  Chapter 711 Upgrading the Game 37
  On the other side

  , the two S-level players who did not have such a large space as Fu An'an did not end as quickly as they do now.

  The two people who were not rich enough in supplies all chose to wander around.

  Escape from the heavy siege of ordinary players, drive away most of the enemies, and then continue to collect and consume materials.

  It wasn't until the eight hours were over that they threw off the ordinary players who were chasing after them.

  During the process, they encountered many more unexpected problems than Mun, and naturally suffered more losses.

  Whether it was Lu Shen or the foreigner, the number of teammates sacrificed was about twice that of Mang.

  But there is no doubt about their strength. For these ordinary players, these three are tough nuts to crack.

  Not even chewable bones.

  Compared with the players of these three companies, players died more.

  Ordinary players changed from 9433 to 4560 overnight, a decrease of more than 4,800 people.

  In other words, it is roughly estimated that the players from these three companies have earned at least 40,000 points.

  Although some people died during the process, even these dead players must have made money.

  All in all, these three companies, especially Mang's, made a lot of money.

  However, their position was also destroyed badly, and the rest began to move.


  are many injured people in the crowd, and there are simply not enough vehicles.

  As the eldest sister, Fu Anan gave up her position to the lame player, and she and Zhang Yuanyuan chatted while walking.

  It was quite fun along the way, until Zhang Yuanyuan talked about her fainting in her house.

  "What? Fainted at my house?" Fu An'an's eyes widened.

  "Then you scared my grandparents!"


  Zhang Yuanyuan realized that she seemed to have gotten into trouble.

  Facing Fu Anan's death stare, she shifted her gaze to other places, "Oh, I seem to see Teacher Zhang! I'll go say hello to him."

  Fu Anan took a deep breath.

  Prepare to go back to her hometown after the game is over, and then slap her to death!
  At this time, Zhang Yuanyuan, who had just spoken a few words to the teacher, was biting her fingernails, feeling uneasy after being reminded by Fu Anan.

  Grandpa Fu and Grandma Fu are getting old, so they really can't stand being scared!

  If she had known this, she shouldn't have gone to New Year's greetings in advance.

  She also thought that she had counted the days and came as soon as the game came out, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

  If Grandpa Fu and Grandma Fu really had an affair...

  She was so flustered!
  The car in front stopped, and the man in the lead yelled at the back, "Okay, everyone, rest for 20 minutes."

  Zhang Yuanyuan walked forward in disbelief until she bumped into the person in front.

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