Chapter 371 - 380

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  Chapter 371 Angel Kindergarten 7
  How can a normal person handle a corpse like this?
  Teachers are very problematic!
  In the empty and quiet kindergarten, several people had different expressions.

  Jingle Bell!
  A sharp bell rang.

  The next moment, the wake-up song started playing on the radio. In the classroom came the noisy and cheerful voices of children, and the joyful and lively music made the kindergarten seem a little normal.

  The remaining nine people were assigned to their respective classes.

  Although there were lights, which illuminated the interior very brightly, there was an inexplicable feeling of discomfort. The two stood by the wall near the classroom door, looking at the children and teacher inside.

  Both teachers were sitting on stools.

  His eyes stared at the child like an eagle, and there was no smile on his face the whole time.

  Fu Anan stood at the door and looked at the environment in the classroom.

  The whole classroom is not big and is divided into two areas.

  There are many cots placed side by side inside, and the outside is the place for class activities during the day.

  There are various pictures and paintings on the walls. The color of the paper on them is slightly yellowed, as if it has not been replaced for a long time. The messy painting methods and colors seem a bit shoddy.

  The most obvious of these is a red lip painted with vinyl paint.

  Post it on the wall at the back of the classroom.

  The lips are deformed, stretched to an exaggerated level, and there are a lot of cracks after the paint dries.

  A finger with the same dry paint was placed on such lips, making a silent gesture.

  Weird, ugly, and eye-catching.

  There are also various printed contents pasted behind the classroom door, announcing their daily routines.

  In the morning, I have breakfast, do exercises, attend classes, and play games.

  Noon is lunch and nap.

  Afternoon is for classes, activities, dinner, watching TV, and sleeping.

  "Hey, fat, what are you looking at?" Zhang Yuanyuan leaned over and glanced at the thing stuck on the door, "Hey, what is this?"

  Fu Anan looked in the direction of her finger.

  It was a ball of yellow paper paste.

  It should have been stuck to something before, but it was torn off and not cleaned.

  The two of them hadn't thought it through yet, and they were told to do morning exercises on the radio.

  A group of children gathered in front of the door, and he lined up obediently and was led out by the teacher.

  Naturally, they have to go out with them.

  Players assigned to other classes were also there, and several people gathered together.

  Ma Yi was the first to ask everyone if they had discovered anything.

  Get nothing.

  "Okay, be careful, everyone." Hearing this, Ma Yi nodded, looking like a leader,

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