Chapter 1011 - 1020

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  Chapter 1011 Island Survival 11

  This kind of good thing is not something you can encounter every time you go out.

  If she can play wild, people will change positions.

  Go out in the middle of the night and return in the morning without success.

  On the tenth day of the game,

  today's sun is hiding under the thick clouds. There is no sunshine, but the weather is extremely hot. All kinds of tiny bugs flew around the people, and in the woods, the anxious calls of unknown birds kept coming and going.

  It must be raining.

  Fu An'an looked at the dark clouds in the sky, and began to think about a place to shelter from the rain.

  Her best shelter from the rain is the cave, which has a small entrance, a natural eaves, and a high terrain, but she can't go back recently for safety reasons. Secondly, there is a great natural cave about 6 kilometers away from here, but it is too far away, and it takes at least half a day to walk there.

  Fu Anan didn't want to waste all her time on the road, so she planned to build a simple rain shelter nearby.

  Look for dry tree trunks in the jungle, collect them to a certain number, and build them around a big tree. The joint is tied with a rope, like a rhombus.

  There are many kinds of leaves in the jungle, and one of the dark green leaves is particularly large, like plantain leaves. This is just enough to be used as a roof. Fu An'an found many around and put them on the wood bit by bit.

  A very simple tent was set up like this.

  During this process, Fu An'an was worried that some players would appear, but fortunately, he did not appear until it started to rain heavily.

  Soybean-like raindrops clattered down, hitting the tent leaves overhead with a loud noise.

  The thin leaves can only block most of the raindrops, and some rainwater seeps through the gaps between the leaves and drips down continuously. It can be said that it is raining heavily outside and light rain inside. Fu Anan was sitting in the shed with the remaining piece of nylon cloth on her head.

  The rainwater on the ground began to gather from less to more, and slowly soaked into the surroundings of her camp.

  The head and feet were covered with water, Fu An'an had to remodel. Dig around the tent with wood, and pile up the wet soil to form a small water storage ditch.

  She dug the small ditch all the way out to form a drainage structure.

  The leak on the top of the head also needs to be rearranged, and now it's too late to find more big tree pages. She tied the tarp over her head.

  No water would leak in from outside, and the rain overhead was barely covered. Fu Anan sat in the shed and looked out, not knowing when the rain would stop.

  From day to night, it rained all day.

  The drainage ditches in the tents were getting bigger and bigger. Most of the plantain-like leaves on the top of the head were also destroyed by raindrops, leaving only the nylon cloth to prevent the rain.

  The leak in the house coincides with the continuous night rain, this sentence is really suitable for her.

  In the middle of the night, there was still a strong wind.

  The rain began to blow in all directions, and the few remaining leaves above the head were blown away by the wind, and the nylon cloth was blown loudly.

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