Chapter 1271 - 1280

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  Chapter 1271 Advancement to the Game 62
  Su Daqiang's appearance makes people feel inexplicably safe.

  There are still 4 hours left before the next round of T2.

  The advantage of having a large army is that you can sleep peacefully without having to install a corpse in T1.

  After ten hours of continuous high-intensity activities, Fu Anan was mentally exhausted to the extreme. Then she approached the four elder brothers and lay down.

  On the 16th T2 of the game, which is also the 11th day of the game,

  Fu Anan was woken up, and they were about to set off to keep up with the big troops.

  A mature organization is like a complete and sophisticated machine.

  From viewing the map, selecting the target, to directing the players in the organization to attack...

  This time they chose a player with fire ability.

  It took them more than two hours just to select and follow.

  Until Zhang Xincheng felt that the time was ripe, all the prepared players began to attack in groups.

  The unlucky fire player saw a large group of ordinary players rushing out, and directly summoned two huge fire dragons. The fire dragon soared into the sky and rushed towards them ferociously. Wherever they skipped, there was drought and heat, which directly dispersed the team of players who rushed to the front.

  Only the front wave was broken up, and the rear team continued to rush up.

  These have long since been divided into groups. If you can't win, you will retreat, change to the next group, and adjust the back of the row to be a substitute.

  Hundreds of players played like a thousand players. These people combined to form a sense of oppression, and then dispersed when the flaming whip of the S-rank player came.

  Fu Anan was watching from the side, and had no chance to help.

  Watching this player being consumed round after round with his own eyes, his ability was squeezed dry. From the original majestic fire dragon to a fire snake, a matchlock, and a small flame...

  This round of siege took a whole T2 time, leaving Fu An'an with a shock.

  When the environment and personnel are used to the extreme, it is also quite powerful. She even thought about how to deal with such an enemy when she was watching the battle from a distance.

  On the other side,

  Yan Senbo and the others were also extremely proficient in handling the wounded after the fight.

  Player deaths this round: 9

  Injured: 139

  of which 11 were seriously injured. They opted out after being briefly treated for their wounds. As ordinary players, they just need to find a safe place to wait until the game is over, and then wait for everyone to go out of the game and go to Mang's people to divide the supplies according to the records. Every player present, tens of thousands more, and one or two thousand points less.

  Even if the person dies, these points can still be exchanged for their important people.

  Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man.

  Under a series of detailed scoring rules and formulas designed by Xu Tian, ​​those ordinary players who joined halfway are willing to cooperate with them until they can't do it anymore.

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